Wood Pigeon Hunting: The anticipation for the opening of the hunting season is growing increasingly intense, and the excitement of seeing pigeons and doves flying through the sky is palpable.

To ensure a successful and memorable hunt, meticulous preparation is essential. Here are five practical and detailed tips to help you get the most out of your hunting experience

1. 100% Camouflage Gear: The Secret to Success

Starting with the right equipment can make the difference between a fruitful hunting day and a disappointing one. The key to success lies in camouflage. Wearing camouflage clothing, such as balaclavas, hats, and gloves, allows you to blend seamlessly into the natural environment. Migratory birds, like pigeons, have sharp vision capable of detecting movement from long distances due to their UV and 2D vision. This means that any out-of-place detail can give away your presence.

wood pigeon hunting

In addition to clothing, calls are essential tools. Choose calls specific to the species you are hunting, such as the song thrush in regions where it is more common. Skillful use of calls can significantly increase your chances of attracting birds, but it is crucial to avoid using them when birds are too close, as this could disrupt their natural behavior.

2. Using Decoys to Attract Wood Pigeons

If you haven’t had the chance to study the behavior of pigeons in your area beforehand, you can still use decoys to attract these birds. Position the decoys in a “V” shape facing into the wind, about 20-30 meters from your hide. This arrangement simulates the natural arrival pattern of migratory birds, creating an illusion of safety that will draw them closer to you.

wood pigeon hunting

Flying decoys or moving mechanisms add realism to your setup, making the scene more convincing to the birds. However, be sure to check local regulations, as the use of mechanical calls may be regulated differently depending on the region.

3. Study the Hunting Area: Know the Territory

Thorough preparation requires time and dedication. Studying the behavior of the birds, their habits, flight patterns, and migratory routes can give you a decisive advantage. Observing wood pigeons in the days leading up to the hunt will help you identify the best flight paths and preferred feeding areas.


Pigeons tend to frequent fields that are either unharvested or recently harvested, where they find abundant food. Understanding how factors such as wind, food availability, and temperatures influence their movements will allow you to plan your hunt more effectively, maximizing your chances of success.

4. The Hide Position: A Crucial Factor

The location of your hide is critical for a successful hunt. Pigeons are extremely cautious and have exceptional vision. Position your hide near a hedge, at the edge of a field, or under a tree to take advantage of natural cover and shade. Avoid sudden movements inside the hide, as the birds are very sensitive to abrupt changes.

Wood pigeon hunting in Scotland

The wind direction and the position of the sun are critical factors. Positioning your hide with the wind at your back will help you better predict the birds’ flight paths. If the sun is behind you, you will be able to shoot without being blinded and remain in the shade, making it more difficult for the birds to spot you. Remember that wood  pigeons can fly at speeds ranging from 30 to 100 km/h, so every detail matters.

5. Setting Up the Hide: Perfect Camouflage

Setting up an effective hide requires attention and precision. Use camouflage nets with a realistic pattern suited to the habitat where you will be hunting. Add local vegetation to further enhance the camouflage. Telescoping stakes with tension bars are ideal for minimizing movement caused by the wind, which could scare the birds away.

wood pigeons

Always check the structure from the outside to ensure it is well camouflaged and opaque from the inside. Modern hides exist that can be set up and taken down in a few seconds, easily transportable and adjustable to fit different terrain elevations. These innovative hides allow you to be flexible and move quickly to follow migratory corridors.

An Exciting Adventure

Wood pigeon hunting is not just a sport but a true adventure that deeply and meaningfully connects humans with nature. Prepare carefully, study bird behavior, and use the right equipment to experience unforgettable hunting. Each hunt is an opportunity to immerse yourself in the wild beauty of the landscape and feel the irresistible call of nature, a call that will stay in your heart forever.

The Magic of wood Pigeon Hunting: Scotland and Macedonia

The Isle of Bute: A Scottish Gem

Imagine being on an island where the sky seems wider, and the air is filled with the scent of the sea and wild lands. The Isle of Bute, located on the west coast of Scotland, is a place where nature reigns supreme, offering a pigeon hunting experience that is as captivating as it is picturesque. Montefeltro has one of its most exclusive hunting reserves here, a true paradise for hunters.

Hunting on the Isle of Bute

Hunters are greeted by breathtaking landscapes, with rolling hills plunging into crystal-clear waters and ancient forests whispering old stories. Pigeon hunting on this island is an activity that combines hunting skill with the untamed and pristine beauty of Scotland. Pigeons, known for their cunning and speed, provide an exciting challenge, but the real reward is the chance to immerse oneself in such a unique environment.

The days start early, with the sun slowly rising over the marine horizon, casting warm hues across the sky. The sound of waves gently breaking on the shore and the song of birds create a harmonious backdrop that accompanies each hunting session. Montefeltro reserves on the Isle of Bute are perfectly equipped to ensure an optimal hunting experience, with camouflaged hides and strategic points that allow you to observe and approach pigeons in their natural habitat.

Bitola, Macedonia: A Balkan Gem

Moving southeast to the Balkan region of Macedonia, you’ll find another of Montefeltro’s exclusive hunting reserves in the area of Bitola. This charming and lesser-known corner of Europe is renowned for its rich wildlife and extraordinary landscapes, offering a perfect backdrop for pigeon hunting.


The Bitola area is characterized by a variety of terrains, from fertile fields to dense forests, creating an ideal environment for pigeons. Hunting here is an intense and immersive experience, where every step and movement requires precision and attentiveness. Hunters can enjoy the serenity of Macedonian nature, with the rustling of leaves and the calls of birds accompanying each moment.

Montefeltro’s reserves in Bitola are among the most picturesque and dedicated places in the world for wood pigeon hunting. The region is famous for its migratory bird populations, which follow centuries-old routes across the skies of Macedonia. Hunters can expect to see numerous and dynamic flocks, offering exciting opportunities and engaging challenges.

An Unforgettable Journey

Whether you choose the Isle of Bute with its breathtaking Scottish landscapes or opt for the wild beauty of Bitola in Macedonia, wood pigeon hunting with Montefeltro is an experience that leaves an indelible mark. Each reserve offers something unique, from the tranquility of the Scottish hills to the vibrant energy of the Macedonian fields.

These hunting trips are not only an opportunity to test your hunting skills but also to connect with nature in a deep and meaningful way. The beauty of the locations, the richness of the wildlife, and the thrill of the hunt combine to create memories that will last a lifetime. Montefeltro, with its attention to detail and passion for hunting, ensures that every hunter has a truly unforgettable experience.