(it is an integral part of the General Contractual Conditions for the sale of Package tours)

− Montetour di Montefeltro Sport Srl Technical Organization, License Category A + B issued by decree of the Municipality of Urbino No. 167/2000 dated 05.29.2000

A− Professional public Liability Policy Montetour di Montefeltro Sport S.r.l. entered into, pursuant to article 50 of the Tourism Code (Legislative Decree. No. 79/2011) the Professional Public Liability policy No. 106901041 up to a limit of € 2.065.828,00 with UnipolSaiAssicurazioni SpA.  For a greater protection of the tourist, Montetour di Montefeltro Sport S.r.l. also entered into a policy, with the same Insurance Company, with which the limit is raised to € 31.500,00.

B− Guarantee Policy Fund: Company Name: Nobis Compagnia di Assicurazioni S.p.A. Geographicaladdress: Viale Gian Bartolomeo Colleoni, 21 – Colleoni Center – Agrate Brianza 20864 (MB). All claims must be reported in one of the following ways:

– via the internet (on the website in the “On-Line Report” section) following the relative instructions:

– by telephone at 039 / 9890.712 and for the Trip Cancellation guarantee at the toll-free number 800.894124

Correspondence or documentation must be sent to: Nobis Compagnia di Assicurazioni S.p.A.,Claims Office, Viale Gian Bartolomeo Colleoni, 21 – Centro Colleoni 20864 AGRATE BRIANZA (MB)

Accident report: the accident report must be made by telephone at 800.894123 (from abroad +39.039.9890.702) or by sending a communication to the following dedicated address: NobisCompagnia di Assicurazioni S.p.A. – Claims Office, vialeGian Bartolomeo Colleoni 21, 20864 Agrate Brianza.

− Catalogue Validity: from 01/04/2021 to 31/03/2022.

− Currencies and exchange rates. The prices in the catalogue, for the presentation of the individual products and service confirmation, unless otherwise stated, must be considered expressed in euro; the decimal values even if are not expressed must be considered equal to zero. The prices of the ground services are based on the Euro-Pound exchange rate dated 19/04/2021. In case of fluctuations of the exchange rates higher than 4%, Montetour di Montefeltro Sport S.r.l. shall have the right to review the prices within the limits and terms provided by the law. This update will be applied in any case only in proportion to the services purchased by Montetour di Montefeltro S.r.l. in foreign currency. Transport costs, fuel costs, air fares, fees and taxes (such as those for landing, disembarkation or embarkation in ports and airports) are those in force at December 31, 2013. Any change in such costs will be charged to the customer within the limits and in accordance with the law.

− Individual rates for file handling: € 50 for each adult registered in travel package at the time of booking and / or confirmation of services. This cost is mandatory and non-refundable. The cost, additional to the cost of the package tour and related supplements/discounts, as well as any related ancillary costs, includes, among other things, the costs for file handling such as: files opening, consulting activity of the organizer’s experts during the booking process, various correspondence for the management of the file, preparation of travel documents and forwarding of travel documents (if required), administrative management, assistance.

− Substitutions.  Any change requested by the tourist after confirmation of the services that are part of the package, will be charged to and paid by the tourist of : € 80 per file; in the event that the tickets were already issued at the time of the change by the tourist, additional costs will be charged in addition to the costs of the aforementioned changes, including penalties and expenses required  by the IATA or carrier, in addition to the payment to the organizer for all additional expenses incurred for the change. In case of substantial changes to the file, such as the destination change or departure date change, the rules of  penalty cancellation shall be applied as provided in this technical data sheet. The change of the name of the renouncing customer with that of the substitute cannot be accepted by a  third party service provider, in relation to certain types, even if the change occurred within the term referred to in article  12, paragraph 1) of the General Contractual Conditions for the sale of package tours. The organizer will not be responsible for the non-acceptance of the change by the third party service providers. Such non-acceptance will be promptly notified by the organizer to interested parties before the departure.

− Payments. At the time of booking customer shall pay a deposit equal to 25% of the price of the package tour according to article 7 of the General Conditions of Participation, an additional 25% upon confirmation, while the balance must be paid at least sixty days before the date of departure, unless otherwise specifically agreed in writing. For bookings made by the fifty-ninth day before departure, the full amount of the package tour must be paid at time of booking. Failure to pay at the scheduled dates is considered ground for termination of the agreement, without prejudice to compensation for further damages suffered by the organization.

Airlines establish dedicated “booking classes” subject to limited seat availability.

At the booking request, if the booking class used by the organizer for the generation of the reference price list is not confirmed, the organizer will communicate / quote when available, the supplement applicable to book the flight in a higher booking class. The request for “new issue” of the airline ticket, due to wrong or incomplete communication of participant data to the organizer could result, if booked, the recharging of the whole cost of the ticket in the booking class available at the new issue date. Some airline booking classes provide for the prompt issuance of the ticket.

When technically it is possible and only if it is specifically requested by the tourist, the organizer issues the airline and/low cost ticket at the booking confirmation, which requires immediate payment by the tourist and it is non-refundable, so it is subjected to total penalty with the exception of what specified in the cancellation fee section.

The organizer specifies that the fees and taxes (including airport and stay taxes) may be modified, added or cancelled at any time at the discretion of the competent Authorities and must be paid directly by tourist ,  if they are not expressly included in the booking written confirmation sent by the organizer.

– Minimum 4 participants. To carry out  travels on fixed dates, a minimum number of participants may be required according to the packet type. The NON-achievement of the minimum number required, and the subsequent cancellation, will be communicated by the organizer at least 20 days before the departure date of the travel. As an alternative to cancellation, the organizer, within the time limits required, may propose to the tourist the same package or an alternative package quantifying, in writing, from time to time, the adjustment of the participation cost.

− Cancellation penalties.  The  tourist  who withdraws from the agreement before the departure, for  reasons other than those listed in the first paragraph of article 10 “Tourist withdrawal” or second paragraph of article 7 “Payment of the General Contractual Conditions for Sale of Package Tours”, will be charged – regardless of the advance payment referred to in article  7 paragraph 1 of the terms and conditions except otherwise specified later and/or at the time of confirmation of services – with the personal rate for file management, the insurance policy cost and, whenever otherwise specified in the presentation pages of each product in this brochure and/or at the time of confirmation of services, the penalties calculated on a percentage basis on the gross of the participation rate as follows:

up to 60 days before departure: 50%; After that date: 100%. “Calendar” days are the reference. In the event that the tickets were already issued at the time of cancellation by the tourist, in addition to the above penalties will be charged the penalties and the costs required by the carrier or IATA. In any case, no refund is up to the tourist who decides to terminate the travel or stay or do not use the services regularly booked and accepted in the sales agreement of package tours. In the case of pre-formed closed groups, such payments will be agreed from time to time upon the signature of the agreement. Important note: Some period of the year or some destinations or special services may require  rules of booking, payment and cancellation imposed by the service providers, that may not coincide with the above rules. The procedures for booking, payment and cancellation fees, will be specified to the tourist by the organizer and / or broker at the time of booking.

− Insurance coverage. At the purchase time of a package tour/travel proposal of Montetour di Montefeltro Sport S.r.l. the customer is required to enter, at the time of booking, into a travel insurance policy to cover cancellation fees of the package, costs of disease, accident, theft and damage to baggage, repatriation costs for early return in case of his / her serious accidents or diseases of his/her most closely relatives including management costs. The customer may choose to subscribe  the travel insurance policy that Montetour di Montefeltro Sport S.r.l. agreed on particular favourable conditions with NobisCompagnia di AssicurazioniS.p.A., referred to in previous page, entitled “Insurance”,art. 19 or provide written proof, at the time of booking, he/she entered into a similar policy with the same subject and same performance and simultaneously provide a written waiver indemnification of insurance covers offered by Montetour di Montefeltro Sport S.r.l.

According to art ex art. 47 1st paragraph lett. g. Consumer Code, we inform you that the right of withdrawal is excluded in contracts concluded at a distance. Pursuant to art. 41 paragraph 7 of the tourist code, we inform you that in contracts negotiated away from business premises, in the case of offers with significantly lower rates compared to competing offers, the right of withdrawal is excluded.The cancellation penalties provided for in the technical data sheet are therefore applicable to the traveler / consumer who withdraws from the contract signed remotely or away from business premises with significantly reduced rates compared to competing offers.

According to Article 59 of the Consumer Code, Legislative Decree 6 September 2005, no. 206 amended following Legislative Decree 21 February 2014 n.21, the right of withdrawal is excluded in relation to contracts for the supply of accommodation, transport, car rental services, catering or services relating to leisure activities, if the contract provides for a specific date or period for performance.The penalties for cancellation provided and indicated in each individual service are therefore applicable to the consumer who withdraws from the contract signed remotely or negotiated away from business premises.

− Description of the tourist services and price lists. The costs of package tours and descriptions of tourist services published in the catalogue may be subjected to change, without prejudice to the dissemination of the change to the brokers.

– Hunting closure. Damages due to the travel cancellation for hunting closure by the competent bodies, caused by natural disasters (avian flu, ice, etc.) or other problems not attributable to the Organization will not be deemed the responsibility of the Organization. However, any compensation awarded to the Organization will be credited to the traveller.

– Game imports. All game imports are subject to the health and customs regulations of the European Union. At this time, imports of game into the European Community from some of the countries in which we operate are not allowed. For this reason, Montetour di Montefeltro Sport S.r.l. cannot accept any liability for problems encountered with the competent customs authorities with regard to game imports. Each traveller must personally seek information to this regard from the relevant authorities.

– Hunting Results. Montetour di Montefeltro Sport S.r.l. shall never be liable for hunting results obtained. Therefore, there is no indemnity in case of lack or limited availability of game.