The temple of African hunting

Tanzania, with its diverse habitats and breathtaking landscapes, offers a hunting experience like no other. From the dense miombo forests of the Selous to the vast Moyowoshi swamps bordering Rwanda and Burundi, each area presents unique challenges and rewards for the discerning hunter.

In the Selous, one of the largest protected areas in Africa, hunters can pursue a wide variety of game species, including elephant, buffalo, lion, and a plethora of antelope species. The miombo forest provides ample cover for stealthy approaches and exciting spot-and-stalk hunts. Tracking through the dense undergrowth, hunters must rely on their keen senses and expert guides to locate elusive prey and make well-placed shots.

Moving to the Moyowoshi swamps, the landscape changes dramatically, offering a completely different hunting experience. Here, hunters may navigate through waterlogged terrain, searching for buffalo and other plains game amidst the reeds and water lilies. The challenge lies in maneuvering through the marshy terrain and staying alert for any sign of movement or sound indicating the presence of game.

Central Tanzania, with its great rivers and open plains, provides excellent opportunities for hunting buffalo and other plains game.

Ambushes near water sources or strategic positioning along game trails can yield exciting encounters with buffalo herds and other wildlife. The vast expanse of the plains allows for exhilarating spot-and-stalk hunts, with hunters stalking their prey across the open savannah.

Venturing into the mountainous regions of Kilimanjaro and Mount Kitumbeine, hunters may encounter the formidable “mountain” buffaloes, known for their aggressive nature and challenging hunts. These rugged landscapes offer breathtaking views and thrilling hunting opportunities for those seeking adventure in Tanzania’s high country.

The history of hunting in Tanzania is rich and storied, with tales of legendary safaris and daring expeditions echoing through the ages. From the days of Hemingway to modern-day conservation efforts, Tanzania’s hunting heritage is woven into the fabric of its landscapes and culture.

Amidst this backdrop of adventure and tradition, hunters can also immerse themselves in the unparalleled beauty of Tanzania. The vast savannahs, rolling hills, and towering mountains provide a stunning backdrop for the ultimate hunting experience. As the sun sets over the African plains, casting golden hues across the landscape, hunters can’t help but feel a deep connection to the wild and untamed beauty of Tanzania.

Tanzania boasts an impressive array of huntable species, making it a premier destination for safari hunters. Among the most coveted game animals are the Big Five: elephant, buffalo, lion, leopard, and rhinoceros. These iconic species draw hunters from around the world seeking the ultimate trophy and adventure.

African Elephant: Known for their massive size and impressive tusks, elephants are a challenging and highly sought-after trophy for safari hunters. Tanzania’s vast wilderness areas provide ample opportunities to track and hunt these majestic creatures.

Elephant in Zimbabwe
herd of cape buffalos, a dangerous hunt for every hunter

For African elephants, hunters typically embark on tracking expeditions, following the massive footprints and signs left by these gentle giants as they move through the bush. Once located, hunters must approach with caution, taking care to select the best angle for a clean shot.

African Buffalo: Often referred to as the “Black Death,” buffalo are known for their formidable size, strength, and aggressive nature. Hunting buffalo in Tanzania requires skill, patience, and nerves of steel, as these animals can be dangerous when wounded or cornered.

Buffalo hunting often involves stalking through thickets and grasslands, where these formidable creatures graze and roam. Hunters must exercise patience and precision, waiting for the opportune moment to take aim and bring down their quarry.

Lion: The king of the jungle, lions are a symbol of Africa’s wild beauty and power. Hunting lions in Tanzania is a thrilling and adrenaline-pumping experience, but it requires careful planning and adherence to strict conservation guidelines.

Lion hunting require a combination of stealth and patience. Hunters may employ baiting techniques to lure these elusive predators into range, setting up concealed blinds or tree stands to await their arrival.

Leopard: Stealthy and elusive, leopards are among the most challenging animals to hunt in Tanzania. Known for their solitary nature and nocturnal habits, leopards test the skills of even the most seasoned hunters. The tecnique to hunt them are quite the same of the lion at the blind

Male of lion sought during aone of the Montefeltro safaries in South Africa
Montefeltro hunting in Africa Zimababwe RHINO

Rhinoceros: While rhinoceros populations in Tanzania are critically endangered, limited hunting permits are sometimes issued for management purposes. Hunting a rhinoceros is a rare and highly regulated experience, with strict quotas and conservation measures in place.

Rhinoceros hunting, when permitted, is conducted with the utmost care and respect for conservation regulations. Licensed hunters work closely with local guides and conservation authorities to track and locate individual rhinos for culling purposes, with strict quotas and ethical guidelines in place to ensure the species’ survival.

In addition to these iconic species, Tanzania offers opportunities to hunt a wide variety of plains game, including:

  • Greater Kudu
  • Impala
  • Grant’s Gazelle
  • Thomson’s Gazelle
  • Wildebeest
  • Zebra
  • Waterbuck
  • Eland
  • Topi
  • Hartebeest
  • Warthog
  • Bushbuck
  • Duiker
  • Reedbuck

Tanzania is also the home of two rare antelopes:

A kudu and an oryx in Botswana, two of the most sought-after antelopes by hunters
Baobab tree in South Africa against a vibrant cloudy sky

The Lesser Kudu, with its striking spiral horns and elusive nature, presents a particularly challenging quarry. Found in the dense woodlands and scrublands of Tanzania’s game reserves, hunting Lesser Kudu often involves careful tracking and patient stalking through thick vegetation, where these shy antelope seek refuge from predators. Hunters must rely on their tracking skills and knowledge of the terrain to outwit these elusive creatures and secure a prized trophy.

The Gerenuk, also known as the “giraffe gazelle” due to its long neck and slender legs, is a unique and fascinating species found in the Masai plains of Tanzania. These graceful antelope are renowned for their ability to stand on their hind legs to reach high branches and leaves, making them well-adapted to their arid and semi-arid habitats.

Hunting Gerenuk in the Masai plains requires a combination of skill, patience, and keen observation. These elusive antelope are often found in small groups or alone, browsing on bushes and trees in the savannah grasslands.

Hunters typically employ spot-and-stalk techniques to approach Gerenuk, carefully scanning the horizon for the telltale sight of their slender silhouettes against the sky. Once spotted, hunters must move cautiously, taking advantage of cover and terrain to get within shooting range without alerting the vigilant antelope.

Given the Gerenuk’s propensity for standing on its hind legs to feed, hunters may need to adjust their shooting positions accordingly, taking into account the animal’s elevated posture and potential obstacles such as branches or tall grasses.

safari in Tanzania Africa
Tanzania Safaries

Successfully hunting Gerenuk in the Masai plains requires a combination of marksmanship, fieldcraft, and respect for the natural environment. With its unique appearance and challenging behavior, the Gerenuk offers hunters a memorable and rewarding experience in Tanzania’s iconic savannah landscapes.

Plains game hunting in Tanzania offers a variety of exciting challenges, from spot-and-stalk techniques for species like kudu, impala, and gazelle to hunting from elevated blinds or vehicles for animals such as zebra, wildebeest, and waterbuck.

With its vast and diverse landscapes, Tanzania provides hunters with an unparalleled safari experience, offering the chance to pursue some of Africa’s most legendary game animals amidst stunning natural beauty.

Big Game Hunting

Gorgeous cape buffalo trophy safari


From July to December

Elephants hunting in Zimbabwe


From July to December

Male of lion sought during aone of the Montefeltro safaries in South Africa


From July to December

leopard hunting in Africa


From July to December

plain game orix

Plains Game

From July to December



What People Are Saying

My hunting adventure in Tanzania was unforgettable.

The trip was organized flawlessly, from the arrival to the warm welcome to the experienced and passionate guides who made every day of the safari unforgettable. The attention to detail and professionalism of Montefeltro made this safari an unforgettable hunting experience.

John Ross

Another fantastic hunting experience organized by Montefeltro’s friends has just ended.

This time in Tanzania was more than amazing.

Thanks Montefeltro!

George F.

My hunting trip to Tanzania was an extraordinary experience.

The Montefeltro team demonstrated a perfect knowledge of the territory.

I enjoyed the natural beauty of Africa.

I highly recommend Montefeltro for an unforgettable  hunting experience.

Frank W.