Macedonia, with its varied landscapes and rich biodiversity, is an exceptional hunting destination for enthusiasts of migratory game.

This hidden corner of the Balkans offers hunters the chance to immerse themselves in an unspoiled natural environment, where different species of migratory birds can be hunted during their passing seasons.

Summer migratory hunt in Macedonia

Macedonia is a crucial region for bird migration, positioned along one of the main migratory routes connecting Europe with Africa and Asia. This natural phenomenon, involving millions of birds each year, is a captivating spectacle and a unique opportunity for hunters and birdwatching enthusiasts alike.

Macedonia lies along the Balkan Route, one of the primary migratory paths for birds moving from Northern and Eastern Europe to Africa. During autumn, migratory birds leave their breeding grounds in Northern Europe and head south to winter in warmer climates. In spring, they make the return journey to their breeding territories.

Migratory Behavior

Bird migration is driven by environmental and biological factors. Changes in daylight length, temperature, and food availability trigger migratory behavior. Birds use a combination of visual, magnetic, and stellar cues to navigate during their long journeys.

Quail hunting

Many migratory birds fly at night to avoid predators and take advantage of more stable air currents. During the day, they rest and feed to build up energy for the next leg of their journey. Some birds, such as quails and woodcocks, can cover large distances in a single flight, while others, like thrushes, make frequent stops to rest and feed.

Macedonia offers crucial habitats for migratory birds. Its wetlands, forests, grasslands, and mountainous areas provide vital resting and feeding grounds during their long migratory journeys. Wetlands like Lake Dojran and Lake Prespa are particularly important for many species of waterfowl.

Huntable Species and Seasons

In Macedonia, migratory game includes a wide range of species, each with its own hunting season. Key huntable species include:

– Skylarks (Alauda arvensis): Hunting skylarks is particularly popular in Macedonia due to the abundance of these small songbirds. The hunting season for skylarks runs from September to January.
– Turtledoves (Streptopelia turtur): These birds are primarily hunted during the summer months, with the season extending from August to September.
– Woodpigeons (Columba palumbus): Hunting woodpigeons is another favored activity, with the season running from October to December.
– Quails (Coturnix coturnix): Quails are hunted from August to October during their migratory passage.
– Woodcocks (Scolopax rusticola): The hunting season for woodcocks is in winter, from November to January.

Hunting in Macedonia

Hunting in Macedonia primarily occurs in two modes: walk-up hunting and stand hunting.

Walk-Up Hunting: This method involves hunters moving through fields and woods, often accompanied by well-trained hunting dogs, to flush out and hunt game. This type of hunting is particularly suited for quails and woodcocks.

Stand Hunting:  Mainly used for woodpigeons and skylarks, this mode involves the use of decoys and strategic stands to attract birds towards the hunter. Stands can be temporary or permanent, positioned in known migration routes of the birds.

Skylark hunting

Skylarks are one of the most sought-after game birds for migratory bird hunters in Macedonia. These birds, known for their melodious song and agile flight, provide an engaging challenge for hunters.

Skylarks migrate south in the autumn, passing through Macedonia in large numbers. Hunters meticulously prepare for this season, using specialized decoys and well-placed stands in open fields and grasslands where skylarks tend to stop.

Skylark hunting

Hunting Skylarks requires great skill and patience. The hunter must be able to blend seamlessly into the environment and use decoys to lure the birds within shooting range. The moment when a skylark responds to the call and approaches is filled with tension and excitement, culminating in a precise shot.

Hunting days often begin at dawn when skylarks are most active. Hunters position themselves in fields, waiting for the right moment to fire. The fresh morning air and the skylarks’ song create a magical atmosphere, making the hunting experience even more memorable.

Macedonia is a true paradise for migratory bird hunters. The variety of huntable species, the diverse hunting methods, and the natural beauty of the terrain make this destination unique and captivating. In particular, hunting skylarks offers an exciting and rewarding experience for anyone who loves hunting and nature. If you are looking for a new hunting adventure, Macedonia awaits with its wonders and challenges.