One of the most practiced big game hunts in Italy? Undoubtedly the most practiced is wild boar hunting, also considering the high diffusion of the animal that lives in our area.

The Timeless Tradition of Wild Boar Hunting in Tuscany

Italy is a country where history and tradition are intertwined with the landscape, and nowhere is this more evident than in the ancient practice of wild boar hunting. Particularly in Tuscany, wild boar hunting is not just a sport, but a deep-seated tradition and almost a religion for those who partake in it. The beauty of the ancient estates, the thrill of the driven hunt, and the rich cultural heritage make hunting in Tuscany an experience unlike any other.

Wild boar hunting in Italy dates back centuries, with the Tuscan region being particularly renowned for its rich hunting heritage. Here, the driven hunt, or “caccia alla posta,” is a time-honored tradition where hunters, dogs, and beaters work together in harmony. The dense forests and rolling hills of Tuscany provide the perfect setting for this exhilarating sport.

Wild boar hunting in the past

The Ancient Estates

Hunting in Tuscany often takes place on historic estates that have been preserved for generations. These estates are more than just hunting grounds; they are living museums of Italy’s noble past. The villas and castles, surrounded by manicured gardens and ancient woodlands, offer a glimpse into a bygone era of elegance and tradition.

The Driven Hunt: A Ritualistic Experience

The driven hunt in Tuscany is a spectacle of coordination and skill. As the beaters and dogs move through the forest, driving the wild boar towards the hunters, the air is filled with the sounds of barking dogs, rustling leaves, and the occasional call of the horn. The anticipation builds until the moment the boars break cover, providing a thrilling and challenging target for the hunters.

The hunt is often followed by a traditional ceremony where the game is laid out and respects are paid. This moment of reflection and gratitude highlights the deep respect Italian hunters have for the animals and the environment.

Beyond the Hunt: Leisure and Culture

Hunting in Tuscany is not just about the chase; it is also about enjoying one of the most beautiful regions in the world. Tuscany’s landscapes, with their rolling hills, vineyards, and olive groves, are a feast for the eyes. The region is also home to some of Italy’s most renowned cultural and historical sites.

After a day of hunting, visitors can explore the medieval towns of Siena and San Gimignano, or take a leisurely stroll through the art-filled streets of Florence. Tuscany is also famous for its culinary delights, and no hunting trip would be complete without indulging in the local cuisine and wines. From hearty game dishes to exquisite Chianti, the gastronomic experiences in Tuscany are as memorable as the hunt itself.


Wild boar hunting in Tuscany is an experience that transcends the ordinary. It is a journey into a world where tradition, nature, and culture come together to create an unforgettable adventure. The ancient estates, the ritual of the driven hunt, and the beauty of the Tuscan landscape make it a destination like no other for hunting enthusiasts.

Whether you are drawn by the thrill of the hunt, the allure of history, or the pleasure of immersing yourself in one of the world’s most beautiful regions, a hunting trip to Tuscany offers something truly special. It is a celebration of tradition, a connection to nature, and a gateway to the rich cultural tapestry of Italy. If you have the chance to hunt wild boar in Tuscany, seize it – it is an experience you will treasure for a lifetime.


A Day of driven Wild Boar Hunting at Prince Corsini’s Estate: La Marsiliana

Italy is renowned for its deep-rooted traditions and exquisite landscapes, and wild boar hunting is no exception. Among the most prestigious and historic hunting grounds in the country is the Prince Corsini estate, “La Marsiliana.” Nestled in the heart of Tuscany, this estate offers a glimpse into a bygone era where tradition, nobility, and the thrill of the hunt converge in an unforgettable experience.

La Marsiliana, near Capalbio in Tuscany, is a name that resonates with elegance and history. Owned by the illustrious Florentine Corsini family, this estate is not just a hunting ground but a symbol of noble heritage. The estate spans over thousands of hectares of picturesque Tuscan landscape, featuring rolling hills, dense woodlands, and serene meadows. The Corsini family has preserved the estate’s natural beauty and its rich hunting traditions, making it one of the most sought-after hunting destinations in Italy.

One of the most exclusive events at La Marsiliana is the renowned “Princess Hunts,” where only the nobility and selected guests are invited by the princess herself. These hunts are steeped in tradition and exclusivity, offering a rare opportunity to experience hunting as it was done in the past, with all the pomp and ceremony that accompany such an elite gathering.

La Marsiliana, Prince corsini hunting estate in the heart of Maremma in Tuscany

La Marsiliana, Prince Corsini hunting estate in the heart of Maremma in Tuscany

A Day at La Marsiliana

Morning Gathering: The day begins early with a gathering at the main villa, a stunning example of Tuscan architecture, surrounded by manicured gardens and ancient oak trees. Guests are greeted with a traditional Italian breakfast, featuring fresh pastries, local cheeses, and rich espresso. The atmosphere is filled with anticipation and excitement as hunters, dressed in their finest hunting attire, prepare for the day ahead.

The Hunt Begins: After breakfast, guests are briefed on the day’s hunt. The estate’s experienced gamekeepers, who know every inch of the terrain, lead the briefing. The hunters then set off into the woods, either on foot or on horseback, accompanied by a pack of trained hounds. The thrill of the hunt is palpable as the hounds pick up the scent of wild boar, their barks echoing through the forest.

The Chase: The dense Tuscan woodland provides a challenging yet exhilarating backdrop for the hunt. The wild boar at La Marsiliana are known for their size and cunning, making each encounter a true test of skill and endurance. As the hounds close in, the tension rises, and the hunters prepare for the moment when the boar will break cover.

A Noble Tradition: Once the hunt is over, a traditional horn signals the end of the chase. The hunters gather for the tableau, a ceremony where the game is laid out, and respects are paid. This moment of reflection and celebration is a reminder of the deep respect and gratitude hunters have for the game and the land.

Afternoon Feast: Following the hunt, guests return to the villa for a grand luncheon, featuring Tuscan specialties and game from the hunt. The long dining tables are adorned with elegant settings, and the room buzzes with lively conversation and laughter. Fine wines from the Corsini vineyards flow freely, adding to the festive atmosphere.

A day at Prince Corsini’s estate, La Marsiliana, is more than just a hunting trip; it’s an immersion into the rich tapestry of Italian heritage and noble tradition. The “Princess Hunts” offer a unique blend of exclusivity, history, and the pure thrill of wild boar hunting in one of the most beautiful landscapes in the world.

For those lucky enough to receive an invitation, the experience is nothing short of magical. From the camaraderie of the hunt to the elegance of the post-hunt feast, every moment at La Marsiliana is a celebration of tradition, nature, and noble hospitality. If you ever get the chance to participate in this storied event, seize it – it’s an adventure you’ll cherish for a lifetime.

Wild Boar Hunting in Europe

Even abroad, especially in Eastern European countries, it is a very widespread hunt and is mainly practiced driven hunt or from the high seat.

Hunting from the high seat is an almost intimate and solitary hunt, in which the hunter remain alone with himself  waiting for the boar. Observing the wild and surrounding nature is an important moment as much as hunting itself is.

Many Italian hunters love to hunt wild boar in Europe because of the huge size of the prey, living their experience abroad to know new areas and new hunting experiences, but also to meet extraordinary animals in terms of trophy size and quality.


Wild Boar Hunting in Bulgaria: A Unique Experience Amidst the Rodopi Mountains

Bulgaria is renowned for being one of the most suitable countries for wild boar hunting trips. The country’s vast forests, particularly in the Rodopi Mountains, provide an ideal habitat for wild boar, with a significant number of large, trophy-bearing males.

The Rodopi Mountains, stretching across southern Bulgaria, are a hunter’s paradise. These mountains are characterized by their dense forests, rolling hills, and deep valleys, creating a picturesque and challenging environment for hunting. The area’s rugged terrain and abundant wildlife make it one of the premier destinations for wild boar hunting in Bulgaria.

Wild boar hunting in Bulgaria is an unparalleled experience. In contrast to Italy, where wild boars, despite being loved, are often seen as a nuisance due to the damage they cause to agriculture, in Eastern European countries like Bulgaria, wild boars are almost revered. This reverence is reflected in the centuries-old hunting traditions and rituals that elevate the hunting experience.

Foreigner hunters, in particular, will find wild boar hunting in Bulgaria to be a unique and enriching experience. The contrast between the treatment of wild boars in Italy and Bulgaria highlights the cultural differences and enhances the appreciation of this majestic animal. The centuries-old rituals and the majestic setting of the Rodopi Mountains create an atmosphere that is both awe-inspiring and humbling.

Wild boar hunting in the Rodopi Mountains of Bulgaria offers an adventure that is rich in tradition, culture, and excitement. The stunning landscapes, combined with the thrill of the hunt and the reverence for the game, make it an experience like no other. Whether you are hunting from a high seat, participating in a driven hunt, or stalking through the forests, each moment is filled with anticipation and wonder.

Bulgaria’s commitment to preserving its hunting traditions and natural beauty ensures that each hunting trip is not only a pursuit of trophies but also a journey into the heart of one of Europe’s most beautiful and culturally rich regions. Prepare to be captivated by the beauty of the Rodopi Mountains and the thrill of wild boar hunting in Bulgaria, where every hunt is a celebration of nature, skill, and tradition.


Wild Boar Hunting in Romania

Romania is another European country that offers an exceptional setting for wild boar hunting. With its diverse terrain, including flat valleys and impressive mountains, Romania provides hunters with a variety of landscapes in which to experience the thrill of the hunt.

Romania’s geography is as varied as it is stunning. The country boasts expansive flat valleys and towering mountains, each offering unique challenges and opportunities for hunters. Whether you’re navigating through dense forests, crossing open fields, or scaling rugged mountains, the Romanian landscape is the perfect backdrop for an unforgettable wild boar hunt.

Romania is home to some of the largest wild boars in Europe. These formidable creatures can weigh up to 300 kg and are known for their impressive tusks, which often earn them extraordinary medal trophies. The sheer size and strength of these boars make them a prized target for hunters seeking a true challenge.


Hunting wild boar in Romania is an exhilarating experience that tests the skills and patience of even the most seasoned hunters. As you move quietly through the varied terrain, every sound and movement heightens your anticipation. The wild boars are elusive and intelligent, requiring careful tracking and strategic thinking to approach successfully. The moment you finally spot a massive boar, your heart races with excitement, and the thrill of the chase begins.

One of the most captivating aspects of hunting in Romania is the chance to encounter other remarkable wildlife. As you hunt wild boar, you might be lucky enough to catch sight of bears, wolves, and lynxes. These majestic animals add an extra layer of excitement to the hunt and leave even the most experienced hunters in awe. The presence of such diverse and iconic wildlife makes hunting in Romania a truly unique experience.

Romania’s rich cultural heritage enhances the hunting experience. Local guides, steeped in the traditions of Romanian hunting, provide invaluable insights and share fascinating stories about the region’s history and wildlife. The hospitality of the Romanian people, combined with their deep respect for nature, creates a welcoming and enriching atmosphere for visiting hunters.


Wild Boar Hunting in Turkey: An Unforgettable Adventure

Wild boar hunting in Turkey is an experience that every avid hunter should have at least once in their lifetime. The Anatolian Peninsula, with its diverse landscapes and rich wildlife, offers the perfect setting for this thrilling pursuit.

The Anatolian Peninsula, a region steeped in history and natural beauty, provides a stunning backdrop for wild boar hunting. From the dense forests along the Black Sea coast to the rugged terrain of central Anatolia, hunters are treated to a variety of environments that challenge and excite.

The wild boar in these areas are truly magnificent creatures. The specimens that populate the forests on the Black Sea, as well as the entire central Anatolian region, are known for their impressive size and strength. These boars can exceed 300 kg, making them formidable opponents for any hunter. Their tusks, which range from 20 to 30 cm, add to their intimidating presence and are a testament to their wild and untamed nature.


Hunting wild boar in Turkey is not just about the chase; it’s about the entire experience. As you trek through the thick underbrush of the Black Sea forests or navigate the rocky landscapes of central Anatolia, every moment is filled with anticipation. The boar are elusive and cunning, making each hunt a true test of skill and patience. The adrenaline rush when you finally spot a massive boar, and the subsequent careful approach, are what make this hunt so exhilarating.

Beyond the hunt itself, the experience is enriched by the cultural immersion that comes with it. Turkey’s rich history and vibrant culture are evident in every village and town you visit. Local guides, often seasoned hunters themselves, share their knowledge and stories, providing insights into the traditions and practices of wild boar hunting in the region.

Hunting in Turkey is conducted with a deep respect for nature and wildlife conservation. Local regulations ensure that hunting practices are sustainable, helping to preserve the boar population and the natural habitats they thrive in. This respect for the environment and the animals is a crucial aspect of the hunting experience in Turkey, aligning with the principles of responsible hunting.

Wild boar hunting in Turkey’s Anatolian Peninsula is more than just a hunt; it’s a journey into a land of stunning natural beauty, rich cultural heritage, and thrilling adventure. Whether you’re tracking a massive boar through the forests of the Black Sea or experiencing the rugged charm of central Anatolia, every moment is unforgettable. If you’re looking for a hunting experience that combines skill, excitement, and cultural immersion, Turkey should be at the top of your list.

Prepare for the hunt of a lifetime and immerse yourself in the wild heart of Turkey. The wild boar are waiting, and so is the adventure.

Hunting in Slovenia: A Journey Through the Kocevje Forest

Wild boar hunting is a popular and time-honored activity in Slovenia, rich with tradition and history. Among the various hunting grounds in the country, the Kocevje forest stands out not only for its abundant wildlife but also for its historical significance. This forest, once frequented by the legendary ruler of Yugoslavia Marshal Tito, offers an unparalleled hunting experience.

The Kocevje forest, located in southern Slovenia, is one of the largest and most pristine forest areas in the country. This dense and ancient woodland is a haven for wildlife, providing the perfect habitat for wild boar. The forest’s history is deeply intertwined with the legacy of Field Marshal Tito, who used to hunt in these very woods. His presence has left an indelible mark on the region, adding a layer of historical intrigue to the hunting experience.

Hunting wild boar in the Kocevje forest is an exhilarating experience. The dense undergrowth and towering trees create a challenging environment that tests the skills and patience of any hunter. The wild boar in this region are known for their size and cunning nature, making them a formidable quarry.


Hunting Methods:

  • Stalking: This method involves quietly tracking and approaching wild boar on foot. The thick vegetation and rugged terrain of Kocevje provide ample cover for both hunter and game, making every movement critical.
    Driving: In this method, a group of hunters works together to drive the boar towards a designated area where shooters are positioned. The dense forest adds an element of surprise and excitement to this communal hunting technique.
  • Tracking: Experienced hunters use signs such as tracks, droppings, and rooting marks to locate wild boar. This method requires patience and keen observation skills, making it a rewarding challenge.
    Year-Round Hunting Season

One of the unique aspects of wild boar hunting in Slovenia is the year-round hunting season. This ensures that hunters can plan their trips at any time of the year, experiencing the forest in different seasons. Whether it’s the lush greenery of summer, the vibrant colors of autumn, or the serene snow-covered landscape of winter, each season offers a unique and breathtaking backdrop for hunting.

While hunting in Kocevje, it’s not uncommon to encounter a variety of other wildlife. The forest is home to deers, roe deers, bears, wolves, lynxes, and numerous bird species. These sightings add to the thrill of the hunt and underscore the rich biodiversity of the region. Observing these magnificent animals in their natural habitat is a privilege that enhances the overall hunting experience.

wild boar hunting

A Luxurious Retreat: Our Hunting Chalet

Nestled deep within the heart of the Kocevje forest is our beautiful hunting chalet, a luxurious retreat designed to offer comfort and relaxation after a day of hunting. This charming chalet provides an idyllic escape, surrounded by the serene beauty of the forest.


Features of the Chalet:

  • Comfortable Accommodations: The chalet features spacious rooms with comfortable beds, ensuring a restful night’s sleep. Each room is elegantly decorated, blending rustic charm with modern amenities.
  • Gourmet Dining: Our on-site chef prepares delicious meals using local ingredients, offering a taste of traditional Slovenian cuisine. After a long day of hunting, enjoy a hearty dinner by the fireplace, sharing stories and experiences with fellow hunters.
  • Relaxation Spaces: The chalet includes cozy common areas where you can unwind. Whether you prefer to relax with a good book, enjoy a glass of fine wine, or simply soak in the tranquil atmosphere, our chalet offers the perfect setting.
  • Panoramic Views: Large windows and a spacious outdoor deck provide stunning views of the surrounding forest. Enjoy the beauty of nature from the comfort of the chalet, watching the sun set over the trees or the stars light up the night sky.


Slovenia places a strong emphasis on wildlife conservation and sustainable hunting practices. The country’s hunting regulations ensure that the wild boar population remains healthy and that the natural balance of the ecosystem is maintained. Hunting in Kocevje is conducted with a deep respect for nature and the environment, preserving the forest for future generations.

Hunting in Slovenia, particularly in the historic Kocevje forest, is a journey into a world where tradition, history, and nature converge. The dense woodlands, the legacy of Field Marshal Tito, and the abundant wildlife make this region a premier destination for wild boar hunting. Whether you are stalking through the forest, driving game with fellow hunters, or tracking elusive boar, the experience is both challenging and profoundly rewarding.

wild boar hunting in Slovenja

Prepare yourself for an unforgettable adventure in the Kocevje forest, where every hunt is steeped in history and surrounded by the stunning beauty of Slovenia’s wilderness. The wild heart of Kocevje awaits you, and after a thrilling day in the forest, our luxurious chalet provides the perfect retreat to relax and recharge.

Wild Boar Hunting in Macedonia: An Adventure Amidst Stunning Landscapes and Impressive Prey

Macedonia, with its breathtaking landscapes and rich biodiversity, is a premier destination for hunting enthusiasts. Hunting wild boar in this country offers not only the thrill of the chase but also the chance to immerse oneself in stunning natural settings. And if that’s not enough, there’s also the opportunity to hunt wolves, adding another layer of excitement to this unique experience.

The wild boar in Macedonia are among the most sought-after game animals. These powerful and cunning creatures can grow to impressive sizes, with some specimens exceeding 200 kg. Their strength and resilience make hunting wild boar a challenging and rewarding endeavor. Their large tusks and elusive behavior add an extra dimension of difficulty to the hunt.

The natural beauty of Macedonia provides the perfect backdrop for hunting. Vast forests, majestic mountains, and lush valleys create an idyllic environment that captivates nature lovers. The Shar Mountains, the Vardar Valleys, and the Pelister Forests are just a few of the stunning landscapes hunters can explore. Every corner of Macedonia offers breathtaking views and a direct connection with unspoiled nature.


Hunting wild boar in Macedonia can be practiced in various ways, each offering unique thrills:

1. Driven Hunts: This technique involves a group of hunters working together to drive the boars towards the shooters’ positions. The adrenaline is palpable as the boars suddenly emerge from the vegetation, requiring quick and precise reactions from the hunters.

2. Stalking: This method requires stalking skills and patience. Hunters move quietly through the forest, following tracks and signs left by the boars. The anticipation and slow approach heighten the excitement when the prey is finally spotted.

3. Night Hunting: Hunting boars at night, often with the aid of night vision equipment, offers a different and intriguing experience. The silence of the night and the darkness make every sound and movement laden with tension and expectation.

The Challenge of the Wolf

In addition to wild boar hunting, Macedonia also offers the chance to hunt wolves. These elusive and intelligent predators represent one of the greatest challenges for a hunter. Hunting wolves requires not only skill and strategy but also a deep respect for the animal and its role in the ecosystem. The presence of wolves in Macedonia is a testament to the health of its forests, and regulated hunting helps maintain the natural balance.

Hunting in Macedonia means fully immersing yourself in an adventure that combines a passion for hunting with the discovery of extraordinary landscapes and fascinating wildlife. Local guides, expert in the terrain and the habits of the game, accompany hunters offering invaluable support and advice. Moreover, Macedonian hospitality ensures a warm welcome and the opportunity to savor the rich culture and delicious local cuisine.

Hunting wild boar in Macedonia is an experience that goes beyond the mere act of hunting. It is a journey into a world of breathtaking natural beauty, majestic prey, and ancient traditions. Whether you are chasing an impressive boar through the forests or facing the challenge of hunting a wolf, every moment spent in Macedonia will be etched in your memory as an unforgettable adventure. Get ready to discover all that this fascinating land has to offer, experiencing unique and unrepeatable emotions.

Recommended weapons, ammunition and accessories

Benelli Argo E Limited Edition

Semi Automatic rifle Benelli Argo E Limited Edition

All 30 calibers are great for boar hunting as well as 7 mm.

For the high seat hunting bolt action rifles with the 300 Winch Mag, the 30-06, the 308 or the 7 mm Rem Mag are excellent in weapons equipped with good very bright optics (the wild boar is mainly in pasture at sunset, if not in the dark, and at dawn) .

For stalking boars or driven hunts, an agile and short semi-auto cal. 12 or in 30-06 or 308 is an excellent rifle. In this type of hunting, a low magnifying scope or even a red dot are recommended.


Franchi Affinity Slug for wild boar hunting

In all cases, good binoculars help in identifying the best wild boar to shoot down (obviously excluding the driven hunting).

Whether from the high seat, stalking or driven hunts, wild boar hunting is a unique experience for any hunter who is passionate in big game hunting and Europe offers many possibilities to practice this hunt!

Luca Bogarelli Professional hunter Montefeltro

Montefeltro Staff, Luca Bogarelli

“Luca Bogarelli loves hunting and nature, experiencing both in a comprehensive manner. Adding to this, his passion for travel has led him over the years to explore places, people, and unique wildlife around the world.

A self-described ‘traveler with a rifle’, Luca has gathered hunting experiences across nearly the entire African continent, as well as in Asia, America, and Europe, in all the countries of hunting interest.”