Safari and hunting in Africa: Fascinating and overwhelming, Africa is the continent from which everything originates and with its mysterious charm it enchants many travellers.

It is not just a life experience, Africa leaves something inside, a deep sense of belonging: the so-called “Africa sickness”. The sense of nostalgia is common to all those who live this experience and wish to return as soon as possible to make it the protagonist of their dreams. Whether it is a safari or a trip dedicated to a hunting experience, Africa will lead you through wild lands, ancient cultures and breathtaking landscapes. It will allow the traveler to come into contact with nature by hunting wild animals in their natural habitat.

It is a journey in which we witness the direct confrontation for survival between prey and predators and for the maintenance of the species and the control of the territory. Faced with the majesty of African landscapes, from the vastness of the savannahs to the depths of the rainforests, one can feel a sense of wonder and amazement at the continent’s natural beauty.

Safari and hunting in Africa

Every encounter with wildlife and every new discovery is a source of great enthusiasm, but also of respect because the awareness of the power and unpredictability of nature coexists with a profound respect for wild life.

Africa is a continent where nature reigns supreme and where everything is authentic: the famous “big five” (buffalo, lion, leopard, elephant and rhinoceros), the numerous herds of wildebeest that migrate in search of food, the sunsets fiery mountains, the savannah and the charm of the deserts. During twilight, the sky is colored with shades of red and gold as the sun disappears on the horizon. This show leaves behind the desire to return and a deep nostalgia.

But Africa is not only a land of extraordinary fauna and flora, it is also a land of men and women who bring with them the strength of their ancestors and the wisdom of their traditions. In remote villages, in fact, you can hear the voices of the elderly telling stories of courage, love and sacrifice.

You can combine your hunting trip with a safari: the deserts of Namibia, the boundless delta of the Zambezi River in Mozambique, the South African bush, the great plains of Tanzania and the Okavango delta in Botswana are just some of the fascinating destinations you can visit during your safari.

Hunting safari in Africa

The idea of ​​venturing into the vast expanses of Africa in search of large trophies such as lion, elephant or buffalo can arouse a deep emotion and a sense of adrenaline in the hunter, but also a unique opportunity to connect with wild nature and experience the local culture.

Africa is not just a geographical place; it is a state of mind, a journey of the soul that leaves an indelible mark on the hearts of those who have the privilege of passing through it.

The importance of hunting in Africa

Tendentiously demonized, hunting in Africa instead plays a very important role in preserving wildlife and supporting the local economy when managed in a sustainable and responsible way. That’s how:

Species conservation: Many hunting areas in Africa are managed by conservation programs that aim to keep ecosystems in balance and protect threatened species. Controlled hunting can help control wild animal populations, preventing overpopulations that are harmful to the environment and other species.
Conservation revenues: Revenues from hunting fees and licenses are reinvested in wildlife conservation, including habitat protection programs, anti-poaching (especially) and raising awareness of the local community about the importance of conservation.
Supporting local communities: Hunting can provide employment and income opportunities for rural communities near game reserves. This may include hunting guides, who would otherwise poach to survive, cooks, accommodation staff and other support services. Furthermore, part of the hunting proceeds can be allocated to community development projects, such as the construction of schools, hospitals or infrastructure.
Wildlife damage control: In some areas, hunting can be used to manage populations of animals that cause damage to agricultural crops or threaten the safety of people. This can help reduce human-wildlife conflicts and promote peaceful coexistence between rural communities and wildlife.

Elephant hunting

It is obvious that hunting in Africa must be regulated and managed responsibly to ensure animal welfare and the sustainability of natural resources. This includes respecting wildlife conservation laws, involving local communities in management decisions, and promoting ethical and sustainable hunting practices.

As history goes, when managed properly, hunting is the most effective tool for wildlife conservation and sustainable development of rural areas in Africa.

The myth of hunting in Africa: the great hunters of the 19th century

In the 19th century, Africa fascinated not only explorers, but also hunters who ventured to the continent in search of unique adventures and challenges. Some of the great hunters and explorers of nineteenth-century Africa include:

Frederick Courteney Selous (1851-1917): Selous was one of the most famous hunters of eastern and southern Africa during the 19th century. He is known for his big 5 hunting exploits, including lion, elephant and buffalo hunting. He also participated in exploration expeditions and contributed to the mapping of large areas of southern Africa.


James Chapman (1831-1872): Chapman was a British explorer, hunter and naturalist active in southern Africa. He is famous for his expeditions to the Transvaal and Zululand, during which he gathered information about the region’s indigenous tribes and wildlife.
John Kirk (1832-1922): Kirk was a Scottish physician, naturalist and explorer who accompanied David Livingstone on his expeditions to central Africa. He played a key role in rescuing Livingstone during his illness and continued to explore and gather scientific information about East Africa after his death.
Cornelius van Rooyen (1826-1904): Van Rooyen was a Boer hunter and trader active in southern Africa during the 19th century. He is known for his rhino, elephant and lion hunting exploits, as well as his explorations of the interior regions of South Africa and Botswana.
William Cotton Oswell (1818-1893): Oswell was a British hunter and explorer active in southern Africa during the 19th century. He is known to have participated in hunting and exploring expeditions in what is now Zimbabwe, Botswana and Zambia, during which he contributed to the mapping and discovery of new lands and natural resources.

These nineteenth-century hunters and explorers contributed significantly to our understanding of Africa and its wildlife through their adventurous exploits and their detailed narratives of their experiences. Although many of them are remembered primarily for their hunting exploits, their contributions to the geographical, scientific and cultural knowledge of Africa are equally relevant.

All that remains is to leave for the Dark Continent

Immersing yourself in the experience of hunting in Africa is not only a journey through the vastness of the continent’s wild lands, but also an opportunity to follow in the footsteps of the great adventurers and hunters of the nineteenth century. Across the plains, forests and savannahs, you can relive the epic exploits of those who braved the unknown in search of unique adventures and challenges.

Hunting in Africa is not only an opportunity to catch big game and experience the thrill of the hunt, but also a way to immerse yourself in the history and culture of the continent. Following in the footsteps of explorers like Selous, Chapman and Kirk is an experience that goes beyond the hunt itself, leading travelers to discover the richness of Africa’s wildlife and the beauty of its pristine lands.

Whether you are an experienced hunter or an adventure enthusiast looking for new experiences, hunting in Africa offers an unforgettable journey through the continent’s wilds. It’s an opportunity to connect with nature, discover new cultures, and create lasting memories that will be etched in your mind and heart forever.

So pack your rifle, put on your hunting boots and get ready for an adventure that will take you back in time, following in the footsteps of the great explorers and hunters of the 19th century.

Africa awaits you, ready to welcome you with its wild beauty and rich history. Don’t miss the opportunity to live a unique and unforgettable experience in the land of ancient heroes and epic deeds.