One of the most evocative hunts in Bulgaria takes place in the enchanting landscape of the Rhodope Mountains: the capercaillie hunting.

The hunt for this majestic grouse can be carried out on different occasions and in different ways: in spring and autumn, with or without a pointing dog.

However, only one true hunting of the Capercaillie remains: the spring singing one and the only country in which it is still possible to do it is Bulgaria. When the climate becomes milder, nature begins to awaken and the frost is no longer felt on the nights of late April, the hunter abandons his accommodation late at night and sets out on the journey that will take him, a couple of hours before the dawn, in the area where Cedrone resides.

Capercaillie hunting in Bulgaria

A particular characteristic of the male is that of preening himself with his tail open during the courtship period, furthermore, he emits a characteristic sound that propagates for a few kilometers, to attract the female. In ideal conditions and on a favorable day the singing begins a couple of hours before dawn and can be heard even from a certain distance.

King of the Bulgarian woods, the capercaillie, or grouse, is known for its majesty and its particular song and is the largest of the grouse.

The male measures on average between 74 and 90 centimeters and can weigh up to 5 kg while the females are smaller and weigh around 2 kg.

Above the eye they have a bright red growth, called caruncle, which gives them a severe look.

The red caruncle of the capercaillie, located on the eyebrow arch, performs various functions. First of all, it is one of the distinctive elements of this bird species, contributing to its beauty and charm. However, its main function is to be an indicator of health and vitality during the courtship period.

Hunting in Bulgaria with Montefeltro

During the mating season, the red caruncle becomes particularly prominent and enlarges, taking on a more vivid color. This visual signal is used by the capercaillie to attract females, in which it is much less vivid, and to demonstrate its strength and reproductive capacity. The size and liveliness of the red wattle can influence the rooster’s success in courtship and mating.

Furthermore, during fighting between males for dominance of the territory or for females, the red caruncle can become even more evident and can be used as a sign of challenge or submission.

In summary, the red caruncle of the capercaillie has a function mainly linked to courtship and the maintenance of the social hierarchy within its population.

The male has slate gray plumage, the chest has greenish reflections with white dots on the abdomen, sides and tail. The female, however, has brown plumage with black streaks and the feathers on the chest are fawn.

Capercaillie hunting in Bulgaria

The capercaillie populates forests, preferring moist and cool coniferous woods, with clearings and thick undergrowth. Despite its size, it is very good at hiding and, if forced, takes flight loudly.

The magnificent Tetrao urogallus, better known as the grouse, is an imposing and iconic presence in the cold northern boreal regions of the Eurasian taiga, dominated by dense expanses of coniferous forests.

Native to these territories, the grouse, so called due to its grandeur and majesty, was pushed southwards by the great glaciations that covered Eurasia in the past, sparing only the southernmost regions of the continent. These forced movements have redefined the vegetation zones and influenced the distribution of animal species, including the regal grouse.

Its morphological characteristics reflect its Nordic origin, showing peculiar adaptations to the harsh climatic conditions of the boreal and alpine regions. Its robust and feathered paws, equipped with three toes with strong and sharp nails, ensure a secure grip even on snowy ground, thanks to the horny “combs” that cover the sides of the toes, similar to the snowshoes used in the mountains. These attributes give the grouse a remarkable ability to move through the snow, demonstrating its nature as an expert walker.

Although it can cross wide valleys in majestic flight, the grouse does not shine for its agility in the air, but rather for its dexterity in moving through woods and on snowy ground.

Mario’s grouse hunting experience in Bulgaria

“I want to share with you one of the most unforgettable hunts of my life. I left Treviso with the aim of hunting the magnificent singing Capercaillie in Bulgaria, and returned home with my heart full of joy and satisfaction.

The moment I crossed the threshold of the Bulgarian forest of the Rhodope Mountains was magical. The enveloping scents of the vegetation and the sweet song of the birds welcomed me in a natural embrace. At dawn, as the first rays of light crept through the trees, I felt a shiver of excitement run down my spine.

The atmosphere was enchanting, with the golden light of the sun filtering through the branches of the trees and creating plays of shadows and reflections. The clicking song of the Capercaillie rang through the air, transporting me to a world of pure beauty and harmony with nature.

I followed the tracks of the grouse with the determination to catch a glimpse of this enchanting creature. After hours of patient and silent waiting, the long-awaited moment has finally arrived. I saw the bird emerge from the trees, with its colorful feathers and its regal bearing.

When the Capercaillie began its courtship ritual, performing a spectacular dance to attract females, I held my breath, captivated by the bird’s beauty and grace. And when I finally took my aim and pulled the trigger, I felt a wave of joy and satisfaction wash over me.

Upon returning to Treviso, I brought with me not only the trophy of my success, but also the indelible memories of an extraordinary experience in the Bulgarian forest. I advise all my hunting friends to do the same, to be enchanted by the beauty of nature and to hunt singing Capercaillie in Bulgaria at least once in their lives. It’s an experience that will remain etched in their hearts forever, just as it has in mine.”

Hunting in Bulgaria

You can combine your hunting trip with cultural visits to numerous sites in Bulgaria: the city museum of Shiroka Laka, the marvelous rock phenomenon of the Wonderful Bridges, the monasteries of Báchkovo and Krastova Gorá, the city of Plovdiv or a wine tasting in the region.

Tips for grouse hunting in Bulgaria

Here are some useful tips on the equipment to take with you during a grouse hunt in the forests of the Rhodope Mountains in Bulgaria:

1- Suitable clothing: Make sure you wear clothing suitable for the weather conditions and terrain. Opt for comfortable, resistant and waterproof but above all silent clothes that allow you to move easily among the trees and on the uneven terrain of the forests.
2- Hiking boots: Invest in a pair of sturdy, waterproof hiking boots that offer good grip and support during long hikes through the woods.
3-Hunting Backpack: A good hunting backpack will allow you to comfortably carry all your necessary equipment, such as ammunition, binoculars, food, water and other accessories.
4- Binoculars: Quality binoculars are essential for spotting sage grouse in the distance, allowing you to assess their location and behavior before approaching.
5- Shotgun: Be sure to bring a grouse-friendly shotgun with adequate range and accuracy for hunting in woodland environments. The recommended weapons are the 12 gauge, but also 5 mm carbines.
6- Ammunition: Bring high-quality ammunition suitable for grouse hunting. Make sure you have enough ammo to get you through a day of hunting. If you choose “broken” ammunition remember the felt wad. The responsible hunter does not pollute.
7- Knife: A good utility knife can be useful in many situations when hunting, from opening animals to cutting branches and ropes.
8- GPS or map: Bring a GPS or a detailed map of the hunting area with you to orient yourself and avoid getting lost in the forests of the Rhodope Mountains.
9- Flashlight: A powerful flashlight is essential if you plan to hunt at dawn or dusk, when light is low. Make sure you have spare batteries to avoid unexpected events.

By following these tips and preparing adequately, you will be ready to face an exciting day of grouse hunting in the evocative landscapes of the Rhodope Mountains forests in Bulgaria.

Singing capercaillie hunting is one of the most beautiful and fascinating hunts: you too can live this experience in a breathtaking setting.