On August 1st, the summer hunting migratory birds season opened in Macedonia, and this year we were there again, ready to hunt with our dogs from the start.

Angelo, now a regular in Macedonia, can’t stay away from this wild and authentic land that awaits him every August for the hunting season opening.

The hunting opportunities in Macedonia, especially for those who enjoy hunting with dogs, are plentiful, but the stars of the summer hunting season are doves, pigeons, and quails.


hunting experiments in Macedonia

Hunting of Doves and Wood Pigeons

“The first two weeks of August, we focused on hunting doves and wood pigeons.” Arriving in Bitola, our hunters this year had to contend with unexpected summer rains and weekly storms, quite rare during this season in these territories.

“So, the season was a bit different than usual; these wild birds don’t like rain, and these conditions didn’t favor excellent results, but we still had a good time.”

Hunting of turtle doves and wood pigeons in Macedonia

As we well know, in hunting, challenges are the hunter’s daily bread. Vigilant, at sunrise, they await these wild birds to take flight, leaving their nighttime refuge.


Hunting Quails

“From August 22nd to September 10th, our days were spent dedicated to hunting quails with pointing dogs.

“This small wild bird, with its cleverness, gave us strong emotions and great hunting days.”

The quail is often underestimated by many hunters, but it is an intelligent and cunning animal, particularly suitable for training puppies and conditioning adult dogs.

Quail hunting with hunting dog

“This small migratory bird gave us unforgettable hunting days with points, approvals, and retrieves from our assistants, making us proud and satisfied with the work of our dogs.”

With backpacks on their backs, amphibious boots on their feet, and accompanied by their assistants, our hunters were thrilled and spent beautiful hunting days in the vast territories of Macedonia.

hunting with dog in Macedonia

“Now we are back home but with the desire to return to this splendid country.”

Angelo and the hunters who hunted with him in Macedonia review the memories saved on their phones and are already dreaming of their next trip.

Armi consigliate per la caccia

Le quaglie sono selvatici che partono vicine e basse: pertanto, si consigliano canne di 66 cm di lunghezza con strozzatura 4 e 3 stelle, per la sicurezza dei propri ausiliari.

Per quanto riguarda i calibri, per la caccia alle quaglie si consiglia un calibro di 12, ma è molto apprezzato anche il calibro 20, con cartucce piombo 9.

Per la caccia alle tortore e ai colombacci, tra le selvaggine preferite dai cacciatori, si raccomandano canne di 71 cm di lunghezza con strozzatura 3 stelle. I calibri consigliati sono il 12 e il 20, con cartucce piombo 7.

Anche se la stagione della migratoria estiva è terminata, la Macedonia vi aspetta nuovamente ad ottobre per la caccia a starne e coturnici.

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