If you want to live an ungulate deer and roe deer hunting experience not too far from Italy, Croatia is for you!

Hunting in Croatia has a long tradition and offers a rich variety of game. The geographical position and the excellent natural conditions allow the hunting of various species throughout the territory.

Among the fertile plains of the city of Cazma you will have the opportunity to hunt deer and roe deer, experiencing a perfect combination of the thrill of hunting and respect for the environment.

Deer and roe deer hunting in Croatia

The deer

Deer, also known as red deer or roe deer (Cervus elaphus), is one of Croatia’s most iconic wildlife species. Present in several regions of the country, the deer contributes to the ecological diversity and natural beauty of Croatian forests.

In Croatia, the deer is found mainly in mountainous and forest regions, where it finds refuge in oak, beech and pine forests. Inland forests, such as those found in Plitvice National Park and Risnjak National Park, offer ideal habitats for this species.

Deer in Croatia follow the typical behavioral patterns of their species. During most of the year, adult males tend to live alone or in small groups separate from females and juveniles. However, during the roaring season the males emit their characteristic calls to attract females and compete with each other for the right to mate.

Hunting with Montefeltro in Croatia

The roe deer

The roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) is the other species of cervid present in Croatia, and has some particularities that distinguish it within the Croatian ecosystem.

In Croatia the roe deer is widespread in various regions of Croatia, but is more common in the forests and wooded areas of the plains and hills. This species is adaptable and can even be found in semi-open habitats such as meadows, pastures and cultivated fields, as long as there are sufficient areas of plant cover for its protection.

As we know, the roe deer is smaller than the deer, with a slender and light build. The males, called “deer”, develop small branched antlers, but much less impressive than those of the deer. The females, called “does”, do not have antlers.

The roe deer is known for its shy and cautious behavior. It is often active during the early morning hours and at dusk, spending the rest of the day hidden among vegetation to avoid predators. Like deer, roe deer can live both in small family groups and in solitude, with adult males marking their territories during the breeding season.

Roe deer plays an important role in Croatian ecosystems as a herbivore, contributing to seed dispersal and regulation of plant populations. Furthermore, it is an important prey for predators such as wolves and lynxes, contributing to the food chain of the forest ecosystem.

Deer hunting in Croatia

These noble creatures represent strength and agility, an encounter with them is an instant connection between two worlds, in which the survival instinct of animals and the passion for hunting meet. Discover the magic of following the tracks, while listening to the beat of your heart.

There is no doubt that His Majesty the Stag is the king of the forest and the most coveted trophy of any European ball hunter. In any hunting lodge, traditional Central European restaurant or hunter’s home, roe deer trophies will reign supreme.

Deer and roe deer hunting with Montefeltro

If the deer is the most majestic and powerful, the roe deer is the most graceful and elegant, it is an animal of great grace, it moves, in fact, in harmony with nature in total silence. It is the ungulate most loved by all hunters.

Our program

The basic program is three days of hunting, with accommodation in a single room and meals in a farmhouse or in a hunting lodge.

For both ungulates the hunt begins even before dawn and in the morning we return to the club house to enjoy a well-deserved rest and then an excellent lunch in which to taste the typical local dishes. In the late afternoon we go out hunting again and stay out until dark.

During the outings you will always be accompanied by a professional hunter who will guide you during the hunt thanks to his profound knowledge of the animals and the territory.

Recommended weapons

When selecting deer, calibers between the 7rem and the .300 rum are recommended, in between these extremes we can place a wide range such as the .300W, the 308W, the 30-06S, the .300Weat, 8x68S.

Deer hunting with Montefeltro

For roe deer the range of ethically recommended calibers goes from .222 rem to .270w. They are small calibers that seem to have been created precisely and exclusively for this reason: the energy, precision and percentage of accuracy of the shots are very high, their success is completed by the easy availability in gun shops and the wide range of availability of bullets with different weights.

With our expert guides and uncontaminated territories, every hunter will experience an adventure that goes beyond hunting: a journey into the soul of the forest and into the heart of tradition.

Biodiversity in Croatia

Croatia is a country rich in biodiversity, offering a diverse natural environment and diverse habitats for a wide range of animal species. From the Adriatic coast to the inland mountains, Croatian fauna is characterized by a combination of endemic and migratory species.

Mammals: The Croatian mammal fauna includes a variety of species, including the gray wolf, brown bear, wild cat, badger, red deer, roe deer and wild boar. The inland forests offer refuge to many of these species, while some, such as dolphins and monk seals, populate the coastal waters of the Adriatic.

Birds: Croatia is an important stop along migratory routes for many birds, making it a paradise for birdwatchers. In addition to migratory species, there are also endemic birds such as the griffon vulture, the common raven and the black woodpecker.

Reptiles and Amphibians: Croatia is home to several species of reptiles and amphibians, including snakes such as the horned viper and Orsini’s viper, and amphibians such as the Dalmatian frog and the green frog.

Fish: The crystal clear waters of the Adriatic are rich in a variety of marine species, including sea bass, snapper, sea bream and mackerel. Fishing is an important activity along the Croatian coast, both for commercial and recreational purposes.

Croatia’s wildlife diversity is preserved through a number of national parks and nature reserves, which provide protected habitats for many rare and threatened species. These parks, together with the country’s nature conservation policies, play a fundamental role in maintaining the ecosystem and safeguarding Croatia’s rich biodiversity.

Book your hunting trip now, Croatia awaits you!