The hunting season has come to an end in many countries, and the hunting dogs that have given their all since September are now enjoying a well-deserved rest.

But not for long. March is the perfect time for training and giving young dogs a chance, and soon we will be heading off to one of our most sought-after destinations: Macedonia!

Not only for summer migratory birds during the hottest months and partridges and rock partridges in the autumn months, Macedonia is also a hunting destination for training your hunting dogs during the spring months, enjoying the first warm and sunny days.

hunting dogs

Thanks to a strong presence on the Macedonian ground, Montefeltro offers you the opportunity to organize a trip to Macedonia to train your hunting dogs and prepare them for the formidable upcoming hunting season. A destination highly cherished by our clients, Macedonia, with its vast terrains and fields primarily characterized by stubble, crops, and hills, represents one of the ideal habitats both for the growth and development of young game and for the training of your hunting dogs.

The Ancient Art of Training in Macedonia

Montefeltro offers terrains in North Macedonia where you can train your hunting dogs until mid-April. The training sessions will start in the morning and end in the afternoon. Our clients can choose to spend a few days in Macedonia and enjoy watching their dogs work, or they can entrust their dogs to our staff, who will take care of them and conduct training sessions for two weeks.

The training is organized in the Bitola area, where pairs of partridges, preparing for a new life cycle, await your dogs to prepare them for the upcoming hunting season! Preparing your hunting companion is crucial not only for the success of the hunt but also for their physical condition, a necessary requirement, especially for hunting specific types of game like the rock partridge, whose hunting predominantly takes place in the mountains.

Training dogs in Macedonia

In the world of canine training, the use of partridges has deep roots and is gaining increasing recognition among hunting enthusiasts for its ability to produce well-trained and disciplined dogs ready to experience the true thrill of the hunt.

The fundamental idea is to harness the natural instincts of predatory dogs to teach them control, concentration, and discipline, which they will need when chasing and catching the prey at the right moment. Partridges offer a very realistic simulation of a hunting situation, allowing dogs to develop their natural abilities in a controlled environment. In fact, training is defined as a practice that requires patience and consistency, but the results can be astonishing.

Hunting with dogs in Macedonia

Dogs will learn to work with the wind, seeking the scents that real partridges emit.

They will learn to respect their assigned roles throughout the training and then apply them during the hunting season. With the growing demand for partridge training, more and more hunting dog enthusiasts are getting involved to enhance their relationship with their loyal companions. With the right commitment and the guidance of qualified experts, partridge training continues to prove to be an effective and rewarding method for developing dogs’ potential and strengthening the bond with their owners.

The Ancient Art of Training in Macedonia with Montefeltro

If you decide to join us in Macedonia, you can stay in a comfortable facility with ample parking. Here, you can let your dogs stretch their legs after dinner before they return to their kennels. The experience will take place in exclusive Montefeltro reserves, and the dogs will be transported in specially equipped vehicles, providing them with every comfort, and they will be supervised and trained by expert staff.

Choose Macedonia to train your loyal companion and contact us to receive the program!