Deer hunting in Italy: In a delightful valley hidden among the Apennines that divide Piedmont and Liguria, there is a splendid area dedicated to hosting fallow deer and red deer.

Elegant, mysterious, and majestic, the Ligurian-Piedmontese Apennine valley, increasingly sought after by enthusiasts of stand or stalk hunting, provides the backdrop for one of the most coveted hunts in Italy: fallow deer hunting. The distinctive white spots on the coat of this marvelous cervid have always stirred unique emotions in hunters.

Deer hunting in Italy

The meadows that intersperse the wooded areas host herds, more or less numerous, of these cervids, among which stand out noteworthy trophies, animals of extreme beauty that enchant hunters. The abundance of water and the presence of tender grass determine the ideal habitat for the wildlife present, which also includes species of roe deer and wild boar, longtime inhabitants of the woods and hills.

deer at sunset

Furthermore, among the dense thickets, it is not uncommon to encounter the king of our predators… his majesty, the wolf.

Deer hunting primarily relies on “stalking,” but some high seats, strategically positioned, also offer the opportunity to ambush the deer from a distance and lure them towards the structure to allow the hunter to take the shot.

Hunting with Montefeltro

The splendid hunting lodge, housed in a country manor palace, offers every comfort, including a gourmet kitchen entrusted to the skilled hands of Giacomo, a passionate chef with a high culinary talent. Giacomo also manages the hospitality at the “Locanda del Daino,” a name that could not be more fitting, located in the historic center of Grondona.

In Giacomo’s kitchen, tradition meets modernity with a refined menu showcasing game and local products. The “Locanda del Daino” is now a restaurant open to everyone, where a passion for hunting is combined with a sophisticated and thoughtful design that evokes evocative and nostalgic feelings.

inn of the fallow deer gutter


Not far from the wildlife hunting estate, it’s possible to visit typical truffle areas like the town of Alba, known for its prized white truffles, and the regions of great Piedmontese wines such as Barbaresco, the birthplace and production site of Barbaresco wine, nestled in the Langhe-Roero and Monferrato wine landscape. Additionally, for those wanting to enjoy the sea air, Portofino is about an hour’s drive away. The town is home to some of the beaches offering pure luxury, along with hotels and accommodations that boast high-quality services and comfort.

To better immerse yourself in the spirit of deer hunting, here’s one of the most beautiful events experienced by Luca, our expert in ungulate hunting, in the hunting of the beautiful and majestic fallow deer.

Deer hunting

The fallow deer stag moves among the females, who continue to graze undisturbed on the fresh grass covering the valley floor. Suddenly, he disappears completely to the left and seems to have vanished. We look at each other dismayed, thinking we have lost our prey. Just as we are about to retreat back into the forest that had previously sheltered us, we see antlers moving above the hindquarters of the does, like sails on a stormy sea. And then another appears in our view: it’s him, returning.


“I lean on the tripod, waiting to get a good view, and as soon as the side of the fallow deer is visible, I emit a powerful whistle. The animal stops for that second that is enough… and I’m already thinking about the next trophy.”

Deer hunting is one of the most sought-after big game hunts in Italy due to the majesty and mystery of the animal, especially the magnificent antlers. The splendid location of the Cascina Emanuele reserve offers an experience not to be missed!

To discover all the details of our red deer hunting program, contact us HERE!