One of the most beautiful destinations in the world for buffalo hunting
In the sprawling delta of the Zambezi River, where the rhythm of life flows with the ebb and flow of the mighty waters, herds of buffalo roam freely amidst the lush vegetation of papyrus, reeds, and water lilies. For hunters seeking the ultimate challenge, Mozambique’s delta is the ideal destination for buffalo hunting, renowned for its abundance of game and the thrilling pursuit of these majestic creatures.
Nowhere else in the world can one witness buffalo herds of such size and magnificence. Every day, hunters are treated to the spectacle of these formidable beasts navigating the watery maze of the delta, their dark silhouettes contrasting against the vibrant greens of the wetlands. The hunt itself is a test of skill and strategy, as hunters must navigate the challenging terrain and close the distance with their elusive quarry.
Approaching buffalo in the wet meadows of the delta is an experience like no other, filled with anticipation and adrenaline.

With each step, hunters must tread carefully, mindful of the buffalo’s keen senses and formidable defenses. The thrill of the chase is palpable, as hunters immerse themselves in the natural beauty of their surroundings, guided by expert trackers and professional hunters.
In Mozambique, the water buffalo (Syncerus caffer) exists in two distinct subspecies: the Cape buffalo (Syncerus caffer caffer) and the Nile buffalo (Syncerus caffer aequinoctialis). These two subspecies share similar characteristics but have some notable differences in habitat and behavior.
The Cape buffalo, also known as the African buffalo, is the larger of the two subspecies and is found in various habitats across southern and eastern Africa, including Mozambique. It is known for its robust build, dark-colored coat, and distinctive horns that form a continuous “boss” across the forehead. Cape buffalo typically inhabit savannas, woodlands, and grasslands, where they graze on a variety of grasses and browse on shrubs and trees.
The Nile buffalo, sometimes referred to as the forest buffalo, is smaller in size and has a reddish-brown coat. It is primarily found in forested regions of central and western Africa, although it can also be found in swampy areas and grasslands. Unlike the Cape buffalo, the Nile buffalo tends to be more solitary and secretive, often inhabiting dense vegetation to avoid predators.
Both subspecies of water buffalo play important ecological roles in their respective habitats, serving as key grazers and helping to maintain the balance of vegetation. They are also prized game animals, attracting hunters from around the world seeking the challenge of pursuing these formidable creatures.
In Mozambique, water buffalo hunting opportunities abound, particularly in the vast wetlands and riverine habitats where these animals thrive. Whether hunting the iconic Cape buffalo on the open savannas or tracking the elusive Nile buffalo through dense forests and swamps, hunters can expect an unforgettable experience in the wilds of Mozambique.

But the delta is not just home to buffalo; it teems with a diverse array of wildlife, from herds of waterbucks and reedbucks to warthogs and bush pigs. Amidst the dense woodlands, the elusive nyala shares its domain with the magnificent sable antelope, adding to the excitement and allure of the hunt.
The sable antelope (Hippotragus niger) is a majestic and strikingly beautiful species found in Mozambique. Known for its elegant horns and richly colored coat, the sable is a prized game animal sought after by hunters and wildlife enthusiasts alike.
In Mozambique, sable antelopes inhabit a variety of habitats, including open woodlands, savannas, and grasslands. They are often found in areas with a mix of grassy plains and scattered trees or shrubs, where they can graze on grasses and browse on leaves and foliage.
Sable antelopes are characterized by their distinctive appearance, which includes long, curved horns that sweep backwards and can reach impressive lengths. Males, known as bulls, typically have larger and more impressive horns than females, known as cows. The coloration of their coat varies, but it often features a glossy black or dark brown body with white facial markings and underparts.
These antelopes are known for their agility and speed, making them formidable prey for predators such as lions and leopards. Their keen senses and cautious nature also make them challenging quarry for hunters, adding to their allure as a trophy species.
Sable hunting in Mozambique offers hunters the opportunity to test their skills against this iconic African antelope in its natural habitat. Whether stalking through the bush or glassing from a concealed vantage point, hunters can immerse themselves in the thrill of the chase

Hunting trips in the Marromeu district of Mozambique typically take place from April to November, offering hunters a 7-day stay in this breathtaking wilderness. With an abundance of game and expert guides to lead the way, the chances of bringing home a trophy are exceedingly high, making each hunt a memorable and rewarding experience.
And after a day of exhilarating pursuits, hunters can retreat to camp, where the warmth of camaraderie and the crackle of the fire await. Gathered around the flames, they share stories of the day’s adventures before indulging in a gourmet dinner, celebrating the timeless tradition of the hunt beneath the star-studded African sky.
Big Game Hunting

From June to November

From June to November

Plains Game
From June to November
What People Are Saying
My hunting adventure in Sudan was unforgettable.
The trip was organized flawlessly, from the arrival to the warm welcome to the experienced and passionate guides who made every day of the safari unforgettable.
The attention to detail and professionalism of Montefeltro made this safari an unforgettable hunting experience.
Andrew H.
The trip was a great experience and my wife enjoyed the non-hunting activities.
Everyone we met was pleasant and represented Montefeltro well.
Goodbye Africa.
See you next year!
Aiden C.
We enjoyed the hunting and the surrounding area was beautiful.
The hunting experience was the best hunting I’ve ever had. I would make a return trip for that.
We were well taken care of by our guides, who were very friendly.
Just our sincere thanks for all your help and attention in arranging this trip.
Thank you!