Privacy disclaimer


Who are we and what do we do with your personal data?

Montefeltro Sport Srl, with registered office in 20129 Milano (MI),Piazza Cinque Giornate 15, as data controller works to ensure the confidentiality of your personal data and guarantees them the necessary protection from any event that may put them at risk of infringement.

Montefeltro Sport s.r.l. implements policies and practices regarding the collection and use of personal data and the exercise of the rights that you have under the applicable legislation. Montefeltro Sport s.r.l. updates its policies and practices for the protection of personal data whenever this becomes necessary and in any case in the event of regulatory and organizational changes that may affect the processing of your personal data.

How does Montefeltro Sport Srl collect and process your data?

Montefeltro Sport s.r.l. collects and / or receives information about you, like: name, surname, tax code, place and date of birth, physical and digital address, telephone and / or cell phone number, identity card number, passport number , bank account number, particular data relating to the state of health, images, firearms license, firearms license number, subject to express consent.

Your personal data will in no way be disseminated or disclosed to indeterminate and non-identifiable subjects even as third parties.

Your personal information will be processed:

1) For the management of the contractual relationship and consequent fulfilment, even under regulations

The processing of your personal data takes place to carry out preliminary activities related to the management of the contractual relationship established, like payment management,the handling of complaints, as well as for the fulfilment of any other obligations arising from the contractlike recording and storage of your personal data.

The obligations with which Montefeltro Sport s.r.l  must comply based on the contract and specific pertinent regulations include, among other thingskeeping accounting records.

Your personal data is also processed to prevent fraud, even contractual.

Finally, your data (like telephone number and / or cell phone number and digital address) will be processed to provide youwith assistance on the services covered by the contract.

Your personal data may also be used to send you specific communications and information relating to contractual obligations or deadlines, the methods of providing the service or any business operational needs. Without prejudice to the principles of necessity, relevance and non-excess, these notices may be made by paper, telephone (fixed or mobile number with direct, pre-registered and / or SMS) or telematic means (e-mail).

Your personal data are also collected from third parties such as, by way of example:

  • lists and registers kept by public authorities or under their authority or similar bodies on the basis of specific national and / or international legislation;
  • Private and public bodies operating in the industry nationally and internationally with which the Data Controller has established informative relationships.

The personal data that Montefeltro Sport s.r.l.  processes for this purpose are, among others:

  • name, surname, tax code or VAT number, place and date of birth, physical and digital address, telephone number and / or cell phone number.

2) For disclosure to third parties and recipients

The processing of your personal data takes place depending on the contract and the legal and / or regulatory obligations deriving from it

Your data will not be disclosed to third parties/recipients, unless:

  1. youauthorizeit;
  2. it is necessary for the fulfilment of the obligations depending on the contract and by the laws that regulate it (e.g. for the defense of your rights, for the report to the supervisory authorities, etc ;
  3. the communication is made to the auditing and certification firm of the financial statements; quality survey and certification company; network of collaborators/agents used by Montefeltro Sport s.r.l.; banking institutions for the management of receipts and payments; companies and law firms for the protection of contractual rights and/or dealing with credit recovery; data processing and IT services companies (e.g. web hosting, data entry, management and maintenance of IT infrastructures and services, etc.
  4. the communication is made to the financial administration, and to the public supervisory and auditory bodies in relation to which Montefeltro Sport srl must fulfil specific obligations deriving from the very nature of the activity carried out;
  5. we are not delegated or have no legally recognized right to receive your personal data. This is the case, for example, of family members, cohabitants or legal representatives (curators, guardians, etc.).

3) For business promotion

The processing of your personal data takes place to offer you products and services in addition to those related to your purchase, to send you advertising material. The processing of your data (like name, surname, physical and digital address, email, telephone number and / or cell phone number) can be done by:

  • e-mail;
  • Telephone (sms or calls);

The processing in question can be carried out:

  1. If you give your consent for the use of your data also with regard to the methods of communication by which the processing takes place, whether traditional or automated;
  2. If you are not in the opt-out register referred to in Italian Presidential Decree no. 178/2010, for processing carried out by a contact via telephone operator;
  3. If you did not object to processing and / or if you did not specifically and separately object to the sending of communications through traditional and / or automatic methods.

4) For profiling

Your personal data may be processed for analysis of consumption habits and choices, defining individual profiles in order to send commercial and promotional information relevant to your latest purchases and preferences  in order to improve the offer of services and products offered by Montefeltro Sport srl. These treatments are carried out in an automated way.

Your personal data, processed by the Data Controller for this purpose, are name, surname, physical and digital address, telephone number and cell phone number, information related to the destination or game.

The processing in question can be carried out if:

  • If you give your consent for the use of your data ;

5) For the disclosure of data to the group VIVA International S.r.l. for marketing activities (direct marketing, research and market surveys) autonomously carried out by them.

The disclosure of your personal data (like name, surname, physical and digital address, email, cell phone number and / or telephone number) to the Group VIVA International S.r.l may take place for their own marketing purposes, only if you consent to such processing.

6) For information security purposes

The Data Controller and its suppliers (third parties and / or recipients) process your personal data, your digital data (e.g. accesses), to the extent strictly necessary to ensure the security and ability of a network or servers connected to it to withstand at a given level of security unforeseen events or illicit or malicious acts that compromise the availability, authenticity, integrity and confidentiality of stored or submitted personal data.

For these purposes, Montefeltro Sport srl provides procedures for managing the breach of personal data (data breach).

What happens if you do not provide your data?

If you do not provide your personal data, Montefeltro Sport srl will not be able to proceed with the processing activities associated with the management of the contract and the services associated with it or with the obligations that depend on them.

Montefeltro Sport srl intends to carry out certain processing based on certain legitimate interests that do not affect your right to privacy, like those that:

  • allow the prevention of IT incidents and the notification of the supervisory authority or, if necessary, the communication to users of the breach of the personal data;
  • allow disclosure to third parties / recipients for activities associated with the management of the contract.

What happens if you do not consent to the processing of personal data for marketing purposes (direct marketing, research and market surveys) by Montefeltro Sport srl or to disclosure to Sister Company / recipients for marketing purposes pursued by them independently or for profiling?

Your personal data will not be processed for these purposes; This will not affect the processing of your data for the main purposes or for which you have already given your consent, if required.

How and for how long is your data stored?

The processing of your data is carried out using electronic and manual means and tools made available to parties acting under the authority of Montefeltro Sport srl and specifically authorized and trained for this purpose.

The paper and especially electronic archives where your data is archived and stored are protected by effective security measures able to counter the risks of breach considered by Montefeltro Sport srl provides for periodic and constant verification of the measures implemented, especially for electronic and online tools, to guarantee the confidentiality of personal data that is thereby processed, archived and stored, especially if belonging to particular categories.

Personal data is stored for the time necessary to complete the activities related to the management of the contract with Montefeltro Sport srl and for the fulfilment of related obligations, legal or otherwise. For data intended for marketing purposes, you are always allowed to oppose the related processing and/or to revoke consent.

The Data Controller may transfer your personal data to countries outside the European Economic Area.


The processing of data is performed through paper supports or computerized procedures by internal, specially authorized and trained, personnel. The personnel is allowed to access your personal data in the measure and within the limits necessary for performing the processing procedures that regard you.
The Data Controller periodically verifies the tools through which your data is processed as well as the related security measures that are constantly updated; verification, also through persons authorized to process the data, that personal data not necessary for collection is not collected, processed or stored; verification that the data is stored with the guarantee of integrity and authenticity and their use for the purposes of processing actually performed.


Personal data may be transferred, stored or processed on the Active Campaign servers located in the U.S.A. and are protected by effective and adequate security measures to counter the risks of violation considered by the Data Controller, based on the “Privacy Shield” agreement concluded between the European Commission and the U.S.A. on 12 July 2016.

Your data may be transferred to non-EU countries – with full assurance of the guarantees provided for by European legislation and on the basis of art. 49, co. 1, letter b) of EU Regulation 679/2016, such as: Kazakhstan, Botswana, Burkina Faso, South Africa, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Russia, etc. 

How long

The personal data processed by Montefeltro Sport srl is kept for the time necessary to complete the activities related to the management of the contract with Montefeltro Sport srl and up to ten years after its conclusion (art. 2946 of the Italian Civil Code) or from when the rights that depend on it may be exercised (pursuant to art. 2935 of the Italian Civil Code); as well as for the fulfilment of the obligations (e.g. tax and accounting) that remain after the conclusion of the contract (art.2220 of the Italian Civil Code), for which Montefeltro Sport srl must keep only the data necessary for compliance non less than 10 years.

The personal data processed by Montefeltro Sport srl for marketing purposes (direct marketing, research and market surveys) will be kept for two years by Montefeltro Sport srl subject to withdrawal of the consent you have given and / or subject to your opposition to such processing.

The personal data processed by Montefeltro Sport srl for profiling will be kept for one year by Montefeltro Sport srl subject to withdrawal of the consent you have given and / or subject to your opposition to such processing.In any case, you retain the right to object to processing at any time based on a legitimate interest for reasons associated with your particular situation.

The personal data processed by Montefeltro Sport Srl, for the purposes of Public Security, will necessarily be kept for at least 50 years as required by the TULPS. and related regulations, without any possibility of revocation by you of the consent pursuant to Legislative Decree 26 October 2010 n. 204.

What are your rights?

Essentially, at any time and free of charge and without any particular obligations or procedures for your request, you can:

  • Receive confirmation of the processing performed by Montefeltro Sport Srl;
  • Access your personal data and know their origin (when the data is not obtained from you directly), the purposes of the processing, the data of the parties to whom they are disclosed, the storage period for your data or criteria useful for determining it;
  • Withdraw consent at any time if consent is the basis for the processing. However, the withdrawal of consent does not prejudice the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given before the withdrawal.
  • Update or rectify your personal data so that they are always accurate;
  • Erase your personal data from the databases and / or archives, including backups, of Montefeltro Sport Srl in the case, among others, where they are no longer necessary for the purposes of the processing or if processing is assumed to be illegitimate and if the conditions established by law exist, and in any case if the processing is not justified by another equally legitimate reason.
  • Restrict the processing of your personal data in certain circumstances, for example where you have challenged their accuracy, for the period necessary for the Data Controller to verify their accuracy. You must be informed in a reasonable time even when the suspension period has expired or the reason for the restriction of processing no longer exists and therefore the restriction itself is revoked.
  • Obtain your personal data – if received and / or otherwise processed by the Data Controller with your consent and / or if their processing is done on the basis of a contract and with automated tools – in electronic format, even in order to transmit them to another data controller.

Montefeltro Sport srl must respond without delay and, in any case, no later than one month after receiving your request.The deadline may be extended by two months if necessary, considering the complexity and the number of requests received by the Data Controller. In such cases, the Data Controller will inform you within one month of receiving your request and will inform you of the reasons for the extension.

For further information and in any case to submit any requests, please contact the Data Controller at the address

How and when can you object to the processing of your personal data?

For reasons relating to your particular situation, you can object at any time to the processing of your personal data if it is based on legitimate interest or if it concerns the processing of personal data whose conferment is subject to your consent, by sending your request to the Data Controller at ‘address

You have the right to the erasure of your personal data if there is no other prevailing legitimate reason with respect to your request, and in any case if you object to processing.

Who can you submit complaints to?

Without prejudice to any other action in administrative or judicial proceedings, you can lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority or with the authority carrying out its duties and exercising its powers in Italy, where you have your habitual residence or work or if different in the Member State where the violation of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 took place.

Every update of this privacy policy will be communicated to you promptly and by means of a reasonable means, and you will be notified as well if the Data Controller processes your data for purposes other than those set out in this policy before proceeding and giving you time to provide your consent if necessary.

Consent provision

If you have received this information and have understood its content, Montefeltro Sport Srl asks you if you consent to the processing of your personal data:

  1. a) per l’attività di promozione commerciale (quali invio di materiale pubblicitario, aggiornamenti e promozioni speciali confacenti alle tue necessità)
  • Yes, I give my consent
  • No, I don’t give my consent
  1. b) for profilingactivities
  • Yes, I give my consent
  • No, I don’t give my consent
  1. c) for the communication of data to companies of the VIVA International S.r.l. for marketing activities (direct, research and market surveys) carried out by them independently
  • Yes, I give my consent
  • No, I don’t give my consent

CONTACT INFORMATION – Newsletter Montefeltro

Who are we and what do we do with your personal data?

Montefeltro Sport Srl, based in 20129 Milano (MI),Piazza Cinque Giornate 15, as data controller works to ensure the confidentiality of your personal data and guarantees the necessary protection from any event that may put it at risk of infringement.
Montefeltro Sport Srl implements policies and practices regarding the collection and use of personal data and the exercise of the rights that you have under the applicable legislation. Montefeltro Sport Srl updates its policies and practices for the protection of personal data whenever this becomes necessary and in any case in the event of regulatory and organizational changes that may affect the processing of your personal data.

How does Montefeltro Sport Srl collect and process your data?

The Data Controller collects and / or receives data about you, like: IP address, identifying personal data (like name, surname, address, email address, telephone number) issued while browsing the  and and / or during your participation in fairs or events to which the Data Controller adheres or organized by it. Your personal information will be processed for:

1) to follow up on your request for information

The Data Controller collects and / or receives data about you, like: IP address, identifying personal data (like name, surname, address, email address, telephone number) issued:

  • in the specific paper form provided by the Data Controller and voluntarily completed by you;
  • in the contact form voluntarily sent by you when sending your request for information to the website of Montefeltro Sport srl.

They are used by the Data Controller to manage the individual websites and to follow up on your request for information.

2) for disclosure to third parties and recipients

The processing of your personal data takes place depending on the contract and the legal and / or regulatory obligations deriving from it.

Your data will not be disclosed to third parties/recipients for their own purposes unless:

  • you give your consent;
  • it is necessary for the fulfilment of the obligations depending on the contract and by the laws that regulate it towards VIVA International S.r.l Group to which Montefeltro Sport srl belongs; consultants and collaborators (such as external collaborators, accountants, lawyers, agencies for marketing campaigns); service providers, such as travel agencies; data processing and IT services companies (e.g. for the defense of your rights, for the report to the supervisory authorities, etc.);
  • the communication is made to the financial administration, and to the public supervisory and auditory bodies in relation to which Montefeltro Sport srlmust fulfil specific obligations deriving from the very nature of the activity carried out.
  • we are not delegated or have no legally recognized right to receive your personal data. This is the case, for example, of family members, cohabitants or legal representatives (curators, guardians, etc.).

3) For business promotion
If you give your consent to receive the commercial promotion service, the processing of your personal data takes place to offer you updates and special promotions suited to your needs and to send you advertising material. The processing of your data (like name, surname, address, telephone number, e-mail address) can be done by:

  • e-mail;
  • sms;
  • telephone contact;

The processing in question can be carried out if:

  • you give your consent for the use of your data also with regard to the methods of communication by which the processing takes place, whether traditional or automated;
  • if the processing is carried out through contact with a telephone operator, you are registered in the register of oppositions referred to in the D.P.R. n. 178/2010;
  • If you did not oppose processing and / or if you did not specifically and separately oppose the sending of communications through traditional and / or automatic methods.

4) for profiling
Your personal data may be processed for analysis of consumption habits and choices, defining individual profiles in order in order to improve the offer of services and products offered by Montefeltro Sport srl.
The processing are carried out in an automated way.

The personal data that the Data Controller processes for this purpose are the name, surname, e-mail address, landline and / or mobile phone number, data relating to the products / services purchased and consumption choices.

The processing in question can be carried out if:

  • you give your consent for the use of your data also with regard to the methods of communication by which the processing takes place, whether traditional or automated;
  • if the processing is carried out through contact with a telephone operator, you are registered in the register of oppositions referred to in the D.P.R. n. 178/2010;
  • If you did not oppose processing and / or if you did not specifically and separately oppose the sending of communications through traditional and / or automatic methods.

5) for the communication of data to companies of the VIVA International S.r.l. for marketing activities (direct, research and market surveys) carried out by them independently
The communication of your personal data (such as name, surname, physical and electronic address, mobile and / or landline telephone number) to the companies of the VIVA International S.r.l., may take place for their own marketing purposes, only if you give your consent to such processing.

6) For information security purposes    
Montefeltro Sport srl and its suppliers (third parties and / or recipients) process your personal data,to an extent strictly necessary and proportionate to ensure the security and the ability of a network or servers connected to it to withstand, at a given level of security unforeseen events or illicit or malicious acts that compromise the availability, authenticity, integrity and confidentiality of stored or submitted personal data.
For these purposes, the Data Controller provides procedures for managing the breach of personal data (data breach).

What happens if you don’t provide your data?  

The personal data concerning you and identifying you are necessary in order to fulfill the request you submitted through the “contact” section or which, if not provided, make it impossible for the Data Controller to fulfill your requests.

What happens if you do not consent to the processing of personal data for the purposes indicated in the paragraph “How does Montefeltro Sport Srl collect and process your data?” in points 3, 4, 5, 6?

The processing of your personal data will not take place for these purposes; this will not affect the processing of your data for the main purposes, nor for that for which you have already given your consent, if requested. . If you have given consent and subsequently withdraw it or chosen not to consent to processing for marketing and/or profiling purposes and/or for communication to third parties/recipients for marketing purposes pursued by them independently, your data will no longer be processed for such purposes with no negative effect on you nor on the contract you have signed.

How and for how long are your data stored?

The processing of data concerning you takes place through both electronic and telematic means and tools made available to subjects acting under the authority of the Data Controller and authorized and trained for the purpose.

Personal data may be transferred to non-EU countries: they are also stored or processed on the Active Campaign servers located in the U.S.A. and are protected by effective and adequate security measures to counter the risks of violation considered by the Data Controller, based on the “Privacy Shield” agreement concluded between the European Commission and the U.S.A. on 12 July 2016

Your personal data are  stored for the time necessary to fulfil the requests for information and for the Data Controller to send communications for this exclusive purpose following your request, and in any case for a term not exceeding a maximum of 5 years, except for events that require the involvement of competent Authorities (also in collaboration with third parties / recipients that are responsible for the Data Controller’s computer security) to carry out any investigations into the causes of the event.

The personal data processed by Montefeltro Sport srl or marketing purposes (direct marketing, research and market surveys) will be kept for 2 years by Montefeltro Sport srl, subject to withdrawal of the consent you have given and / or subject to your opposition to such processing.

The personal data processed by Montefeltro Sport srl for profiling will be kept for 1 year by the Data Controller, subject to withdrawal of the consent you have given and / or subject to your opposition to such processing.

The personal data processed by Montefeltro Sport srl for the purpose of subscribing to the newsletter, will be kept for 2 years by the Data Controller, subject to withdrawal of the consent you have given and / or subject to your opposition to such processing.

However, your right to object at any time to processing based on legitimate interest for reasons related to your particular situation is reserved.

What are your rights?

Without prejudice to the limits especially of time established above for the processing of your personal data, you have the right to always be in control of your data. You have the following rights with regard to your data:

  • Access
  • Correction
  • erasure;
  • restriction of processing;
  • opposition to processing;
  • portability.

Your rights are guaranteed without any particular obligations or procedures for their exercise, which is essentially understood to be free of charge. Youhave the right:

  • to obtain a copy of the data you have requested access to, even in electronic format. If you need to request additional copies, the Controller can charge you a reasonable fee;
  • to obtain the erasure of the data or the restriction of its processing, or even the updating and correction of your personal data, and that upon your request any data disclosed to third parties/recipients will also be updated unless there are legitimate reasons that take precedence over your request (e.g. environmental investigations and risk containment due to an emergency managed by the Data Controller);
  • to obtain any useful communication regarding the activities carried out following the exercise of your rights, without delay and in any case within one month of your request, unless justifiably extended up to two months, which must be duly communicated to you.
  • For further information and in any case to submit any requests, please

Who can you submit complaints to?

Without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial proceedings, you may lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority, i.e. the one having jurisdiction where you  reside or work in Italy or in a different Member Nation where the violation of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 occurred.

Any update of this information will be communicated to you promptly and by appropriate means and you will also be notified if the Data Controller will continue to process your data for purposes other than those referred to in this information before proceeding and in time to give your consent. if necessary.


Who are we and what do we do with your personal data?

Montefeltro Sport Srl, with registered office in 20129 Milano (MI),Piazza Cinque Giornate 15, as data controller works to ensure the confidentiality of your personal data and guarantees them the necessary protection from any event that may put them at risk of infringement..
Montefeltro Sport Srlimplements policies and practices regarding the collection and use of personal data and the exercise of the rights that you have under the applicable legislation.  Montefeltro Sport Srl updates its policies and practices for the protection of personal data whenever this becomes necessary and in any case in the event of regulatory and organizational changes that may affect the processing of your personal data.

How does Montefeltro Sport srl collect and process your data ?
The Data controllercollects and/or receives information about you, like: name, surname, place and date of birth, residential address and video and photo images, as well as sound recordings involving yourself.They are used by Montefeltro Sport srl to document and publicize the event that you participated in and to promote and publicizeMontefeltro’s business.

Your personal data is primarily disclosed to third parties and/or recipients whose activity is necessary to allow the collection of data during the event, the event’s promotion and the products and services of Montefeltro.Any disclosure that does not correspond to these purposes requires your consent. Your data may be disseminated for the purposes represented and in any case processed as described above.

The dissemination of images and sound-visual recordings concerning you will take place only if you authorize the processing and / or if you do not object to this.

In particular, your personal data may be published on the company’s websites, on the platforms used to stream the event, in magazines or in any other medium intended for dissemination and used to promote the activity carried out by Montefeltro Sport srl does not transfer your personal data abroad.Specifically, your personal information will be processed:


1) To document, promote and publicize the event you participated in, andMontefltro’s business
During the event you participate in, Montefeltro srl will be able to acquire images and/or audio/video recordings that include you, directly or through third parties that have been appointed for this purpose.

The acquisition of images is subject to your prior consent to their use. For this purpose, Montefeltro Sport srl. invites you to sign a specific waiver issued pursuant to the terms of art. 10 and 320 of the Italian Civil Code and articles 96 and 97 of Italian Law no. 633 of 22 April 1941 (Copyright Law).Your personal data are also collected from third parties like, for example:

  • Other data controllers, e.g. companies and/or professionals in the photographic and/or video business (photographers, professional editors, etc.), the companies in the same group as Montefeltro Sport srl

The personal data that Montefeltro Sport srl  processes for this purpose are, among others: name, surname, place and date of birth, residential address and video and photo images, as well as sound recordings involving yourself.

2) For the dissemination and publication of data on Montefeltro’s websites and/or in corporate and trade newspapers, also available online and on public and social platforms
Your data may be disseminated for the purposes represented and in any case processed as described above, i.e. for documentation and promotional purposes related to the event organized by Montefeltro Sport srl and to the products and services that Montefeltro Sport srl offers, and in any case to promote its business, and only if you authorize the processing and/or if you do not object to it. In particular, they can be published and then disseminated on:

  • Company websites and social networks
  • Company brochures, calendars or catalogue,
  • platforms dedicated to the web-streaming of the event,
  • Trade magazines and newspapers, periodicals etc.,
  • Any other medium in any case intended to disseminate your data and used by Montefeltro Sport to promote its business.

3) For disclosure to third parties and recipients
Your data will not be disclosed to third parties/recipients for their own purposes unless:

  • You give your consent.
  • It is necessary for the fulfilment of the obligations associated with the authorization and by the laws that govern it (e.g. for the defense of your rights, for a complaint to the authorities, etc.).
  • Data are disclosed to the companies that are in the same group as Montefeltro Sport srl. for administrative purposes; advertising companies and/or professionals, photographers, professional editors, graphics companies, web marketing and/or multimedia publishing companies, marketing companies, companies and law firms for the protection of rights, data processing and IT service companies (e.g. web hosting, data entry, management and maintenance of IT infrastructure and services, web streaming services, etc.).

The personal data that Montefeltro Sport srl. processes for this purpose are, among others: name, surname, place and date of birth, residential address and video and photo images, as well as sound recordings involving yourself.

4) For information security purposes
Montefeltro Sport srl  and its suppliers (third parties and/or recipients) process your personal data to the extent strictly necessary to ensure the security and ability of a network or servers connected to it to withstand at a given level of security unforeseen events or illicit or malicious acts that compromise the availability, authenticity, integrity and confidentiality of stored or submitted personal data. For these purposes, Montefeltro Sport srl provides procedures for the management of data breaches in compliance with legal obligations.

What happens if you do not provide your data?

If you do not provide your data, including images, Montefeltro Sport srl will not process your data as described in the waiver for image use.

What happens if you do not give your consent to the disclosure of your personal data for promotional purposes regarding the event organized by Montefeltro Sport srl products and services?

Your personal data will not be processed, which could affect the management of the event you intend to participate in.If you give your consent and subsequently withdraw it or refuse the dissemination of your data, they will no longer be disseminated by Montefeltro Sport srl. specifies that the withdrawal will take effect from the date of receipt of the request. Montefeltro Sport srl. will be required to certify the removal of photographic images and/or audio/video recordings subject to the withdrawal. It is understood that the withdrawal will have no effect with respect to the processing already carried out or in the event that the erasure/removal of data has become impossible or otherwise excessively difficult, for example in the case of storage by third parties on computers or other media and their publication in company brochures or catalogues.

How and for how long are your data stored?

The processing of your data is carried out using electronic and manual means and tools made available to parties acting under the authority of Montefeltro Sport srl. and specifically authorized and trained for this purpose. The paper and especially electronic archives where your data are archived and stored are protected by effective security measures that are able to counter the risks of breach considered by Montefeltro Sport srl. provides for periodic and constant verification of the measures implemented, especially for electronic and online tools, to guarantee the confidentiality of personal data that are thereby processed, archived and stored, especially if belonging to particular categories.

Personal data are stored for the time necessary to complete the activities related to the management of the authorization for use of images and their dissemination and for the fulfilment of related obligations, legal or otherwise. For data intended for dissemination that you have consented to you are always allowed to object to the corresponding processing and/or to withdraw consent, The computer files are located within the borders of the EU (or EEA)  specifically in the U.S.A.


The processing of data is performed through paper supports or computerized procedures by internal, specially authorized and trained, personnel. This personnel is allowed to access your personal data in the measure and within the limits necessary for performing the processing procedures that regard you.
Montefeltro Sport srl. periodically verifies the tools through which your data are processed as well as the related security measures that are constantly updated; verification, also through persons authorized to process the data, that personal data not necessary for collection are not collected, processed or stored; verification that the data are stored with the guarantee of integrity and authenticity and their use for the purposes of processing actually performed.

  1. Where

Data are stored in paper, computerized and electronic archives located in the European Economic Area where proper measures are ensured to maintain their security.Some personal data may also be transferred to non-EU countries: they are also stored or processed on the Active Campaign servers located in the U.S.A. and are protected by effective and adequate security measures to counter the risks of violation considered by the Data Controller, based on the “Privacy Shield” agreement concluded between the European Commission and the U.S.A. on 12 July 2016.

3.How long

The personal data processed by Montefeltro Sport srl. are kept for the time necessary to complete the activities related to the authorization to use the images and audio/video recordings that include you and that you have released to Montefeltro Sport srl. pursuant to Italian Law no. 633 of 22 April 1941 (Copyright Law). Specifically, your personal data, including the images and audio/video recordings that include you, will be stored by Montefeltro Sport srl for 20 years from the date of realization as they are considered non-creative works (pursuant to art. 87 et seq. of Italian Law no. 633 of 22 April 1941).
In any case, you retain the right to withdraw your consent and authorization and to object to processing at any time based on a legitimate interest for reasons associated with your particular situation.

What are your rights?

Regulations give you the right to always have control of your data. You have the following rights with regard to your data:

  • Access.
  • Correction.
  • Erasure.
  • Withdrawal of consent.
  • Restriction of processing.
  • Opposition to processing.
  • Portability.

Your rights are guaranteed to you without particular charges and formalities for their exercise, which is essentially free of charge. You are entitled:

  • To obtain a copy of the data you have requested access to, even in electronic format. If you need to request additional copies, Montefeltro Sport srl can charge you a reasonable fee.
  • To have them erased or the processing restricted or even the updating and correction of your personal data.
  • If your data have been disclosed to others, you have the right for the other data controllers or recipients to be informed by Montefeltro Sport srl. of your request and the outcome of the exercise of your rights so that they can also erase, suspend or interrupt the processing or correct your data.
  • To obtain any useful communication regarding the activities carried out following the exercise of your rights, without delay and in any case within one month of your request, unless justifiably extended up to two months, which must be duly communicated to you.

Essentially, at any time and free of charge and without any particular obligations or procedures for your request, you can:

  • Receive confirmation of the processing performed by Montefeltro Sport srl.
  • Access your personal data and know their origin (when the data are not obtained from you directly), the purposes of the processing, the data of the parties to whom they are disclosed, the storage period for your data or criteria useful for determining it.
  • Withdraw consent at any time if consent is the basis for the processing. However, the withdrawal of consent does not prejudice the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given before the withdrawal.
  • Update or rectify your personal data so that they are always accurate.
  • Erase your personal data from the databases and/or archives, including backups, of Montefeltro Sport srl in the case, among others, where they are no longer necessary for the purposes of the processing or if processing is assumed to be illegitimate and if the conditions established by law exist, and in any case if the processing is not justified by another equally legitimate reason.
  • Restrict the processing of your personal data in certain circumstances, for example where you have challenged their accuracy, for the period necessary for Montefeltro Sport srl. to verify their accuracy. You must be informed in a reasonable time even when the suspension period has expired or the reason for the restriction of processing no longer exists and therefore the restriction itself is revoked.
  • Obtain your personal data – if received or processed by Montefeltro Sport srl. with your consent and/or if their processing is done on the basis of a contract and with automated tools – in electronic format, even in order to transmit them to another data controller.

Montefeltro Sport srl must respond without delay and, in any case, no later than one month after receiving your request. The deadline may be extended by two months if necessary, considering the complexity and the number of requests received by Montefeltro Sport srl. In such cases, Montefeltro Sport srl. must inform you within one month of receiving your request and inform you of the reasons for the extension. For further information and in any case to submit any requests, please contact Montefeltro Sport srl at the address

How and when can you object to the processing of your personal data?

For reasons related to your particular situation, you may object at any time to the processing of your personal data if it is based on a legitimate interest, sending yourrequest to Montefeltro Sport srl. at the address have the right to the erasure of your personal data if there is no legitimate reason that takes precedence over your request, and in any case Montefeltro Sport srl. notes that the withdrawal will have no effect with respect to the processing already carried out of the images or in the event that their erasure/removal has become impossible or otherwise excessively difficult, for example in the case of storage by third parties on computers or other media and publication of company brochures or catalogues.


Who can you submit complaints to?

Without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial actions, you can lodge a complaint with the Personal Data Protection Authority or to the one that carries out its duties and exercises its powers in Italy where you have your habitual residence or work or if different in the Member State where the violation of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 occurred. You will be promptly informed by appropriate means each time this policy is updated, and you will be notified if Montefeltro Sport srl. processes your data for purposes other than those referred to in this policy before proceeding and in time for you to provide your consent if necessary.